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Concurrency with AyncIO and AsyncSubtensor

SUBMIT A PRSUBMIT AN ISSUElast edit: Mar 01, 2025

This page provides some tips for working with concurrent async functions in Bittensor.

Calls to the blockchain can be slow, and routines that make many calls in series become very slow. For example, suppose we want to check a list of UIDS for subnets and see if they exist. In series, we could execute the following, but it will take longer in proportion to the list of netuids, since it makes a separate call for each.

from bittensor.core.subtensor import Subtensor

subtensor = Subtensor("test")
for netuid in range(1, 8):
print("subnet " + str(netuid) + " exists: " + str(subtensor.subnet_exists(netuid=netuid)))

To avoid this, we could create a separate thread with a new Subtensor object on each thread, as below. This is faster, but can cause problems by hogging as many web sockets as UIDS in the list of subnets to check.

import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from bittensor.core.subtensor import Subtensor

def subnet_exists(netuid: int):
subtensor = Subtensor("test")
result = subtensor.subnet_exists(netuid=netuid)
print("subnet " + str(netuid) + " exists: " + str(result) )

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
subnets =, range(1, 8))

Using Python’s asyncio (Asynchronous Input/Output) module, the code below accomplishes concurrent requests with a single websocket connection:

from bittensor.core.async_subtensor import AsyncSubtensor
import asyncio

async def main():
async with AsyncSubtensor("test") as subtensor:
block_hash = await subtensor.get_block_hash()
subnets = await asyncio.gather(*[subtensor.subnet_exists(netuid, block_hash=block_hash) for netuid in range(1, 8)])
for i, subnet in enumerate(subnets):
print("subnet " + str(1+i) + " exists: " + str(subnet))

Coroutine vs function

The usage of async def creates an asyncio coroutine rather than a function.

Coroutines differ from functions in that coroutines are run in event loops using await.

Coroutines must always be awaited

Coroutines always need to be awaited, and generally speaking, “asyncio objects” are instantiated with async with. See Python documentation on asyncio for a comprehensive section with examples.


AsyncSubstrateInterface is an asyncio rewrite of Polkadot's original py-substrate-interface library, with a few added functionalities such as using the bt_decode for most SCALE decoding.

While AsyncSubstrateInterface is about 90% API compatible with py-substrate-interface, it is its own library. Similar to how we initialize aiohttp.ClientSession as shown in line 21 of the above example, the AsyncSubstrateInterface is initialized in the same way, as shown below:

async with AsyncSubstrateInterface(chain_endpoint) as substrate:
block_hash = await substrate.get_chain_head()

Generally speaking, you should use AsyncSubstrateInterface as a part of AsyncSubtensor, as the methods there are more specifically designed around using it within the Bittensor ecosystem.


AsyncSubtensor is the asyncio version of the Subtensor class. Under the hood, it utilises AsyncSubstrateInterface.

AsyncSubtensor vs Subtensor

Major differences between AsyncSubtensor and Subtensor are:

  • AsyncSubtensor uses block_hash args rather than block args.
  • AsyncSubtensor uses the reuse_block arg.
  • The usage of block_hash is pretty obvious, i.e., you can specify the block hash (str) rather than the block number (int).
  • The usage of reuse_block is a bit different. It allows you to reuse the same block hash that you have used for a previous call.
  • Finally, the remaining major change is the use of args in the below AsyncSubtensor methods:
    • get_balance

    • get_total_stake_for_coldkey

    • get_total_stake_for_hotkey

      These methods now accept multiple SS58 addresses as addresses, and return a dictionary mapping the addresses to their balances.

Initializing AsyncSubtensor

Like AsyncSubstrateInterface, the AsyncSubtensor is initialized the same way (with an async context manager):

from bittensor.core.async_subtensor import AsyncSubtensor

async def main():
async with AsyncSubtensor("test") as subtensor:
neurons = await subtensor.neurons_lite(1)

And because AsyncSubtensor uses AsyncSubstrateInterface under the hood, we can use this to our advantage in asyncio gathering:

from bittensor.core.async_subtensor import AsyncSubtensor

async def async_main():
async with AsyncSubtensor("test") as subtensor:
start = time.time()
block_hash = await subtensor.get_block_hash()
total_subnets = await subtensor.get_total_subnets(block_hash=block_hash)
neurons = await asyncio.gather(*[subtensor.neurons(x, block_hash) for x in range(0, total_subnets+1)])
print(time.time() - start)

The above code example pulls all the neurons from the testnet. Compare this to the below sync version of the same code:

from bittensor.core.subtensor import Subtensor

def sync_main():
subtensor = Subtensor("test")
start = time.time()
block = subtensor.block
total_subnets = subtensor.get_total_subnets(block)
neurons = [subtensor.neurons(x, block) for x in range(0, total_subnets+1)]
print(time.time() - start)


On a high-latency South African Internet connection:

  • The async version runs in 13.02 seconds.
  • The sync version runs in 1566.86 seconds. Hence the async version runs a full 120X faster. Your results will vary depending on your connection latency.
Some overhead with async

Note that there is a bit of overhead with the async instantiation over the sync version. Therefore, if you are writing a script to maybe retrieve one item, it will likely be faster and less complex using the sync version. However, if you are building anything more complex than this, the async version will likely be faster, as shown in the above example.


Below is an example of how you can use the AsyncSubtensor module to retrieve balances from multiple coldkey SS58 addresses in various ways:

Python reference

Also see the Bittensor SDK reference for AsyncSubtensor.

import asyncio

from bittensor.core.subtensor import Subtensor # sync
from bittensor.core.async_subtensor import AsyncSubtensor # async

from bittensor.utils.balance import Balance

COLDKEY_PUB = "5EhCvSxpFRgXRCaN5LH2wRCD5su1vKsnVfYfjzkqfmPoCy2G"

async def main(): # define a coroutine with `async def`
sync_sub = Subtensor("finney") # same as always
async with AsyncSubtensor("finney") as async_subtensor: # very important to initialise this with `async with`
sync_balance: Balance = sync_sub.get_balance(COLDKEY_PUB)
# returns τ0.000000000

async_balance: dict[str, Balance] = await async_subtensor.get_balance(COLDKEY_PUB)
# returns {'5EhCvSxpFRgXRCaN5LH2wRCD5su1vKsnVfYfjzkqfmPoCy2G': τ0.000000000}
# get_balance now takes multiple addresses, and returns them as a dict
# of {ss58: Balance}
# for example:
async_balances: dict[str, Balance] = await async_subtensor.get_balance(*COLDKEY_PUBS)
# returns: {
# '5EhCvSxpFRgXRCaN5LH2wRCD5su1vKsnVfYfjzkqfmPoCy2G': τ0.000000000,
# '5CZrQzo3W6LGEopMw2zVMugPcwFBmQDYne3TJc9XzZbTX2WR': τ0.000000000,
# '5Dcmx3kNTKqExHoineVpBJ6HnD9JHApRs8y2GFBgPLCaYn8d': τ0.000000000,
# '5DZaBZKKGZBGaevi42bYUK44tEuS3SYJ7GU3rQKYr7kjfa8v': τ0.000000000
# }
# This works the same with .get_total_stake_for_coldkey, .get_total_stake_for_hotkey
# to do multiples with sync subtensor, we would do:
sync_balances: dict[str, Balance] = {}
for coldkey in COLDKEY_PUBS:
sync_balances[coldkey] = sync_sub.get_balance(coldkey)

# let's say we want to make multiple calls at the same time. We can do this with asyncio.gather
async_delegated, async_balance = await asyncio.gather(
# This will make concurrent calls to retrieve the delegates and balance of this coldkey
# We can even chain these together quite dramatically, such as this example in btcli wallets:
balances, all_neurons, all_delegates = await asyncio.gather(
*[w.coldkeypub.ss58_address for w in wallets_with_ckp_file],
subtensor.neurons_lite(netuid=netuid, block_hash=block_hash)
for netuid in all_netuids
for w in wallets_with_ckp_file
# There are also certain changes for the decoding of SCALE objects from the chain.
# As a rule of thumb, anything using `.value` from sync Subtensor just returns the value itself
# See the example of `Subtensor._get_hyperparameter` vs `AsyncSubtensor.get_hyperparameter`:
# Subtensor
result = self.query_subtensor(param_name, block, [netuid])
if result is None or not hasattr(result, "value"):
return None

return result.value
# AsyncSubtensor
result = await self.substrate.query(

if result is None:
return None

return result

if __name__ == "__main__": # coroutines need to have something to run them, usually ``