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Bittensor Release Notes

The following are the release notes for the Bittensor software.

Release 8.2.0

Released 10 October 2024

The following are the new versions in this release:

  • Bittensor SDK 8.2.0
  • BTCLI 8.2.0
  • Wallet SDK 2.0.2

Release PRs

Upgrade steps

New features and enhancements

  • Added a new btcli command for RAO ⇄ TAO conversion:

    btcli utils convert --rao <rao units> --tao <tao units>

    See (documentation will be updated shortly).

  • Enhanced the btcli option handling so that a command with multiple options like:

    btcli w faucet --subtensor.chain_endpoint ws:// local

    will be correctly interpreted as indicating ws://

  • Added support in the btcli tool for numbered mnemonics. You can now provide the mnemonic with the numbered style like: 1-wordOne 2-wordTwo 3-wordThree ...

  • Enhanced btcli by removing the requirement for passing the port number in the chain endpoint URL. For example, before this version the chain URL must include the port number, like: ws:// With this version the chain URL can exclude the port number, like: wss://my.bittensor.chain.point.

  • Added support to pass an ss58 address in btcli wallet balance. Hence, btcli wallet balance --ss58 <coldkey ss58 address> will work.

  • Enhanced btcli so that now it no longer requires git to be installed.

  • Enhanced btcli by adding a more graceful shutdown for subtensor connection when errors are encountered.

  • Enhanced the btcli error handling by adding support for handling custom errors from subtensor.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the TAO conversion to the correct place in the btcli stake remove operation.
  • Fixed the network instantiation in btcli root list-delegates command.
  • Fixed the command btcli root list-delegates so that when the command is run on non-archive nodes (such as local chain) it will produce a valid output. See (documentation will be updated soon).

Release 8.1.0

Released 03 October 2024

  • Updated the Bittensor Wallet SDK to Version 2.0.0. This is the same Python interface you are familiar with, but now powered by a newly-written Rust engine.

    Compatibility note

    To use this Wallet SDK version 2.0.0 with either Bittensor SDK or BTCLI, you must upgrade both the Bittensor SDK and the BTCLI to 8.1.0.

  • Updated the Bittensor SDK to Version 8.1.0, to be compatible with the new Wallet SDK 2.0.0. In addition:

  • Updated the BTCLI Version to 8.1.0, to be compatible with the new Wallet SDK 2.0.0. In addition, minor bug fixes and improvements are made.

Release 8.0.0

Released 25 September 2024

This is a major release of the Bittensor software.


With this 8.0.0 version, the Bittensor software is split into the following three separate repos:

  • The Bittensor SDK: (the existing Bittensor repo).

  • The new BTCLI repo:

  • The new BT Wallet repo:

  • Bittensor SDK version 8.0.0: This is the Bittensor software as you know it, and provides the same functionality, except it is lighter because the BTCLI and Wallet functionalities are separated out from it. All our tests have confirmed that this Bittensor SDK 8.0.0 is compatible with the current Bittensor version 7.4.0.

    new installation docs for SDK

    See the updated developer documentation for the new Bittensor SDK.

  • New BTCLI version 8.0.0: This new btcli is entirely rewritten to enhance its performance and user-interface. All commands and options are compatible with the existing "legacy" btcli. Online help, with --help option, is significantly enhanced.

    new docs for BTCLI

    See the updated BTCLI installation doc and the new BTCLI guide.

  • BT Wallet SDK 1.0.0: For security reasons, the bittensor.wallet package is separated into its own repo and will be released soon as BT Wallet SDK 1.0.0. More updates on this in the days and weeks ahead.

New features and enhancements

  • The new async "btcli" is built from ground up by rewriting the py-substrate-interface as async-substrate to enhance the performance and achieve significant speedups. With the previously-used version of py-substrate-interface we could not execute requests asynchonously. With this rewrite as async-substrate, the new btcli is able to make RPC calls to the chain concurrently. Furthermore, we built the async-substrate with asyncio at its core, so every call is optimised to work within an asyncio environment.
  • A new bt-decode package is developed. This is a Rust SCALE decoder that is exposed to Python, allowing for 10-40X faster SCALE decodes over the previous Python implementation. This new bt-decode functionality is built in to the new async-substrate, interface, so to the user the new "btcli" is simply faster because it is optimised for the network-bound I/O and the CPU-bound decoding.
  • Users will now receive their UID immediately after they register a neuron on any subnet.
  • Enhanced the error message handling so that now all existing error message types will be handled by the subtensor (including custom error message types).
  • The new "btcli" now presents information-rich tables on the terminal display showing all the critical information in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • The help text for the btcli --help command is completely rewritten, adding more information.
  • Several more fixes and enhancements.

Release 7.4.0

Released 04 September 2024

Breaking change

  • Updates to support the mainnet changes. Everyone is required to update the Bittensor to 7.4.0 or later versions. If you prefer to stay with your current version and not install 7.4.0, then you must install the patch for your preferred version, as described in the Discord announcement (see Patch installation steps section).

New feature

Release 7.3.0

Released 12 July 2024

New features and enhancements

  • Consensus-based weights ("liquid alpha"): With this version, the Consensus-based weights feature is now available in the master branch. Until now, this feature has only been available in the rc_7.3.0 branch of the bittensor repo.
  • Check coldkey swap: A new btcli command option, check_coldkey_swap is released. This command option will enable you to check the remaining time before your scheduled coldkey swap executes on-chain, and if your scheduled coldkey swap is in arbitration. See Schedule Coldkey Swap.

12 June 2024: Release 7.2.0


Starting with 7.2.0, usage of the nest_asyncio package is deprecated. If you use nest_asyncio then make sure to explicitly add it to your project dependencies. In the next major release, the nest_asyncio will be removed from the bittensor package.

New features and enhancements

The terminal output print of the subnet hyperparameters is enhanced from its current raw U16 and U64 format to human-readable versions. For example, max_weight_limit was displayed previously as 65535 but now enhanced to display 1.0.

Fixed issues

  • Nonce implementation is enhanced against replay attack vulnerability. Previously each nonce was converted to monotonic numbers. In the fixed version a nonce is converted to timestamp and while verifying it a check is made for the version number.
  • Terminal display of subnet hyperparameters is enhanced to human-readable format.


Several enhancements such as dependency cleanups and better end-to-end tests are made to the code.

11 June 2024: Release 7.1.0

Breaking change

If you are directly using the function set_weights() in your Python module to set the root weights, then you have to now use the new function set_root_weights() to set the root weights. This new function now requires that you sign it with your coldkey. The previous set_weights() function was signed by the hotkey. This breaking change applies only for setting the root weights. If you are setting weights within a subnet, then there is no change.

See line of code for the new set_root_weights().

New features and enhancements

Commit Reveal

  • The commit reveal feature that addresses the weight copying issue is now available in this 7.1.0 version on the mainchain.
  • The following new btcli command options are added to use the commit reveal feature:
    • btcli wt commit
    • btcli wt reveal
  • The following new subnet hyperparameters are added to support the commit reveal feature:
    • commit_reveal_weights_interval (integer): Specify the desired number of blocks of delay before revealing the weights.
    • commit_reveal_weights_enabled (boolean): Set this hyperparameter to True to enable the commit reveal feature.
  • For a detailed description of the feature and how to use it, see the Commit Reveal document.


  • Emissions are now recycled for those subnets that have registration turned off.
  • The btcli root weights command now uses a new function set_root_weights() behind the scenes and uses the coldkey to sign the transaction. There is no change in how you use this command.

Fixed issue

Previously, due to a bug in Yuma Consensus implementation, the weights were not normalized before calculating subnet emissions. This bug is fixed in this update, so that the weights are now normalized before calculating subnet emissions.

28 May 2024: Release 7.0.0


  • Starting with this 7.0.0 release, the torch library is no longer used by default. Instead, the numpy library is used. However, you can still use torch by setting the environment variable USE_TORCH=1 and making sure that you have installed the torch library. See Install Bittensor doc.
  • Pydantic library used in Bittensor is updated to V2 (to Pydantic version 2.7.1).
  • Python 3.8 is no longer supported starting with this Bittensor 7.0.0 release.

New features and enhancements

  • Enhanced the btcli wallet regen_coldkey --mnemonic command which now supports passing the seed phrase as either a list of word strings, or a list of the entire seed phrase as a string, or the seed phrase as a string of space-separated words.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the issue that gave the below error by enforcing the versioning for the eth-utils package:
    UserWarning: Network 345 with name 'Yooldo Verse Mainnet' does not have a valid ChainId. eth-typing should be updated with the latest networks
  • On Apple M1 systems, the following version dependencies are added to remove inconsistencies:
starlette , shtab and typing-extension based on the FastAPI version fastapi==0.110.1