Source code for bittensor.wallet

"""Implementation of the wallet class, which manages balances with staking and transfer. Also manages hotkey and coldkey."""

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright © 2021 Yuma Rao

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
# documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
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import argparse
import copy
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, overload

from substrateinterface import Keypair
from termcolor import colored

import bittensor
from bittensor.utils import is_valid_bittensor_address_or_public_key

[docs] def display_mnemonic_msg(keypair: Keypair, key_type: str): """ Display the mnemonic and a warning message to keep the mnemonic safe. Args: keypair (Keypair): Keypair object. key_type (str): Type of the key (coldkey or hotkey). """ mnemonic = keypair.mnemonic mnemonic_green = colored(mnemonic, "green") print( colored( "\nIMPORTANT: Store this mnemonic in a secure (preferable offline place), as anyone " "who has possession of this mnemonic can use it to regenerate the key and access your tokens. \n", "red", ) ) print("The mnemonic to the new {} is:\n\n{}\n".format(key_type, mnemonic_green)) print( "You can use the mnemonic to recreate the key in case it gets lost. The command to use to regenerate the key using this mnemonic is:" ) print("btcli w regen_{} --mnemonic {}".format(key_type, mnemonic)) print("")
[docs] class wallet: """ The wallet class in the Bittensor framework handles wallet functionality, crucial for participating in the Bittensor network. It manages two types of keys: coldkey and hotkey, each serving different purposes in network operations. Each wallet contains a coldkey and a hotkey. The coldkey is the user's primary key for holding stake in their wallet and is the only way that users can access Tao. Coldkeys can hold tokens and should be encrypted on your device. The coldkey is the primary key used for securing the wallet's stake in the Bittensor network (Tao) and is critical for financial transactions like staking and unstaking tokens. It's recommended to keep the coldkey encrypted and secure, as it holds the actual tokens. The hotkey, in contrast, is used for operational tasks like subscribing to and setting weights in the network. It's linked to the coldkey through the metagraph and does not directly hold tokens, thereby offering a safer way to interact with the network during regular operations. Args: name (str): The name of the wallet, used to identify it among possibly multiple wallets. path (str): File system path where wallet keys are stored. hotkey_str (str): String identifier for the hotkey. _hotkey, _coldkey, _coldkeypub (bittensor.Keypair): Internal representations of the hotkey and coldkey. Methods: create_if_non_existent, create, recreate: Methods to handle the creation of wallet keys. get_coldkey, get_hotkey, get_coldkeypub: Methods to retrieve specific keys. set_coldkey, set_hotkey, set_coldkeypub: Methods to set or update keys. hotkey_file, coldkey_file, coldkeypub_file: Properties that return respective key file objects. regenerate_coldkey, regenerate_hotkey, regenerate_coldkeypub: Methods to regenerate keys from different sources. config, help, add_args: Utility methods for configuration and assistance. The wallet class is a fundamental component for users to interact securely with the Bittensor network, facilitating both operational tasks and transactions involving value transfer across the network. Example Usage:: # Create a new wallet with default coldkey and hotkey names my_wallet = wallet() # Access hotkey and coldkey hotkey = my_wallet.get_hotkey() coldkey = my_wallet.get_coldkey() # Set a new coldkey my_wallet.new_coldkey(n_words=24) # number of seed words to use # Update wallet hotkey my_wallet.set_hotkey(new_hotkey) # Print wallet details print(my_wallet) # Access coldkey property, must use password to unlock my_wallet.coldkey """
[docs] @classmethod def config(cls) -> "bittensor.config": """ Get config from the argument parser. Returns: bittensor.config: Config object. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() cls.add_args(parser) return bittensor.config(parser, args=[])
[docs] @classmethod def help(cls): """ Print help to stdout. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() cls.add_args(parser) print(cls.__new__.__doc__) parser.print_help()
[docs] @classmethod def add_args(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, prefix: str = None): """ Accept specific arguments from parser. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): Argument parser object. prefix (str): Argument prefix. """ prefix_str = "" if prefix is None else prefix + "." try: default_name = os.getenv("BT_WALLET_NAME") or "default" default_hotkey = os.getenv("BT_WALLET_NAME") or "default" default_path = os.getenv("BT_WALLET_PATH") or "~/.bittensor/wallets/" parser.add_argument( "--" + prefix_str + "", required=False, default=default_name, help="The name of the wallet to unlock for running bittensor " "(name mock is reserved for mocking this wallet)", ) parser.add_argument( "--" + prefix_str + "wallet.hotkey", required=False, default=default_hotkey, help="The name of the wallet's hotkey.", ) parser.add_argument( "--" + prefix_str + "wallet.path", required=False, default=default_path, help="The path to your bittensor wallets", ) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: pass
def __init__( self, name: str = None, hotkey: str = None, path: str = None, config: "bittensor.config" = None, ): r""" Initialize the bittensor wallet object containing a hot and coldkey. Args: name (str, optional): The name of the wallet to unlock for running bittensor. Defaults to ``default``. hotkey (str, optional): The name of hotkey used to running the miner. Defaults to ``default``. path (str, optional): The path to your bittensor wallets. Defaults to ``~/.bittensor/wallets/``. config (bittensor.config, optional): bittensor.wallet.config(). Defaults to ``None``. """ # Fill config from passed args using command line defaults. if config is None: config = wallet.config() self.config = copy.deepcopy(config) = name or self.config.wallet.get( "name", ) self.config.wallet.hotkey = hotkey or self.config.wallet.get( "hotkey", bittensor.defaults.wallet.hotkey ) self.config.wallet.path = path or self.config.wallet.get( "path", bittensor.defaults.wallet.path ) = self.path = self.config.wallet.path self.hotkey_str = self.config.wallet.hotkey self._hotkey = None self._coldkey = None self._coldkeypub = None
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns the string representation of the Wallet object. Returns: str: The string representation. """ return "wallet({}, {}, {})".format(, self.hotkey_str, self.path)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Returns the string representation of the wallet object. Returns: str: The string representation. """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def create_if_non_existent( self, coldkey_use_password: bool = True, hotkey_use_password: bool = False ) -> "wallet": """ Checks for existing coldkeypub and hotkeys, and creates them if non-existent. Args: coldkey_use_password (bool, optional): Whether to use a password for coldkey. Defaults to ``True``. hotkey_use_password (bool, optional): Whether to use a password for hotkey. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: wallet: The wallet object. """ return self.create(coldkey_use_password, hotkey_use_password)
[docs] def create( self, coldkey_use_password: bool = True, hotkey_use_password: bool = False ) -> "wallet": """ Checks for existing coldkeypub and hotkeys, and creates them if non-existent. Args: coldkey_use_password (bool, optional): Whether to use a password for coldkey. Defaults to ``True``. hotkey_use_password (bool, optional): Whether to use a password for hotkey. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: wallet: The wallet object. """ # ---- Setup Wallet. ---- if ( not self.coldkey_file.exists_on_device() and not self.coldkeypub_file.exists_on_device() ): self.create_new_coldkey(n_words=12, use_password=coldkey_use_password) if not self.hotkey_file.exists_on_device(): self.create_new_hotkey(n_words=12, use_password=hotkey_use_password) return self
[docs] def recreate( self, coldkey_use_password: bool = True, hotkey_use_password: bool = False ) -> "wallet": """ Checks for existing coldkeypub and hotkeys and creates them if non-existent. Args: coldkey_use_password (bool, optional): Whether to use a password for coldkey. Defaults to ``True``. hotkey_use_password (bool, optional): Whether to use a password for hotkey. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: wallet: The wallet object. """ # ---- Setup Wallet. ---- self.create_new_coldkey(n_words=12, use_password=coldkey_use_password) self.create_new_hotkey(n_words=12, use_password=hotkey_use_password) return self
@property def hotkey_file(self) -> "bittensor.keyfile": """ Property that returns the hotkey file. Returns: bittensor.keyfile: The hotkey file. """ wallet_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self.path, hotkey_path = os.path.join(wallet_path, "hotkeys", self.hotkey_str) return bittensor.keyfile(path=hotkey_path) @property def coldkey_file(self) -> "bittensor.keyfile": """ Property that returns the coldkey file. Returns: bittensor.keyfile: The coldkey file. """ wallet_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self.path, coldkey_path = os.path.join(wallet_path, "coldkey") return bittensor.keyfile(path=coldkey_path) @property def coldkeypub_file(self) -> "bittensor.keyfile": """ Property that returns the coldkeypub file. Returns: bittensor.keyfile: The coldkeypub file. """ wallet_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self.path, coldkeypub_path = os.path.join(wallet_path, "coldkeypub.txt") return bittensor.keyfile(path=coldkeypub_path)
[docs] def set_hotkey( self, keypair: "bittensor.Keypair", encrypt: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> "bittensor.keyfile": """ Sets the hotkey for the wallet. Args: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The hotkey keypair. encrypt (bool, optional): Whether to encrypt the hotkey. Defaults to ``False``. overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite an existing hotkey. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: bittensor.keyfile: The hotkey file. """ self._hotkey = keypair self.hotkey_file.set_keypair(keypair, encrypt=encrypt, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def set_coldkeypub( self, keypair: "bittensor.Keypair", encrypt: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> "bittensor.keyfile": """ Sets the coldkeypub for the wallet. Args: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The coldkeypub keypair. encrypt (bool, optional): Whether to encrypt the coldkeypub. Defaults to ``False``. overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite an existing coldkeypub. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: bittensor.keyfile: The coldkeypub file. """ self._coldkeypub = bittensor.Keypair(ss58_address=keypair.ss58_address) self.coldkeypub_file.set_keypair( self._coldkeypub, encrypt=encrypt, overwrite=overwrite )
[docs] def set_coldkey( self, keypair: "bittensor.Keypair", encrypt: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> "bittensor.keyfile": """ Sets the coldkey for the wallet. Args: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The coldkey keypair. encrypt (bool, optional): Whether to encrypt the coldkey. Defaults to ``True``. overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite an existing coldkey. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: bittensor.keyfile: The coldkey file. """ self._coldkey = keypair self.coldkey_file.set_keypair( self._coldkey, encrypt=encrypt, overwrite=overwrite )
[docs] def get_coldkey(self, password: str = None) -> "bittensor.Keypair": """ Gets the coldkey from the wallet. Args: password (str, optional): The password to decrypt the coldkey. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: bittensor.Keypair: The coldkey keypair. """ return self.coldkey_file.get_keypair(password=password)
[docs] def get_hotkey(self, password: str = None) -> "bittensor.Keypair": """ Gets the hotkey from the wallet. Args: password (str, optional): The password to decrypt the hotkey. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: bittensor.Keypair: The hotkey keypair. """ return self.hotkey_file.get_keypair(password=password)
[docs] def get_coldkeypub(self, password: str = None) -> "bittensor.Keypair": """ Gets the coldkeypub from the wallet. Args: password (str, optional): The password to decrypt the coldkeypub. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: bittensor.Keypair: The coldkeypub keypair. """ return self.coldkeypub_file.get_keypair(password=password)
@property def hotkey(self) -> "bittensor.Keypair": r"""Loads the hotkey from wallet.path/ or raises an error. Returns: hotkey (Keypair): hotkey loaded from config arguments. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file is corrupt of non-existent. CryptoKeyError: Raised if the user enters an incorrec password for an encrypted keyfile. """ if self._hotkey == None: self._hotkey = self.hotkey_file.keypair return self._hotkey @property def coldkey(self) -> "bittensor.Keypair": r"""Loads the hotkey from wallet.path/ or raises an error. Returns: coldkey (Keypair): coldkey loaded from config arguments. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file is corrupt of non-existent. CryptoKeyError: Raised if the user enters an incorrec password for an encrypted keyfile. """ if self._coldkey == None: self._coldkey = self.coldkey_file.keypair return self._coldkey @property def coldkeypub(self) -> "bittensor.Keypair": r"""Loads the coldkeypub from wallet.path/ or raises an error. Returns: coldkeypub (Keypair): coldkeypub loaded from config arguments. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file is corrupt of non-existent. CryptoKeyError: Raised if the user enters an incorrect password for an encrypted keyfile. """ if self._coldkeypub == None: self._coldkeypub = self.coldkeypub_file.keypair return self._coldkeypub
[docs] def create_coldkey_from_uri( self, uri: str, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Creates coldkey from suri string, optionally encrypts it with the user-provided password. Args: uri: (str, required): URI string to use i.e., ``/Alice`` or ``/Bob``. use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determines if this operation overwrites the coldkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/coldkey``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created coldkey. """ keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri(uri) if not suppress: display_mnemonic_msg(keypair, "coldkey") self.set_coldkey(keypair, encrypt=use_password, overwrite=overwrite) self.set_coldkeypub(keypair, overwrite=overwrite) return self
[docs] def create_hotkey_from_uri( self, uri: str, use_password: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Creates hotkey from suri string, optionally encrypts it with the user-provided password. Args: uri: (str, required): URI string to use i.e., ``/Alice`` or ``/Bob`` use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determines if this operation overwrites the hotkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/hotkeys/<hotkey>``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created hotkey. """ keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri(uri) if not suppress: display_mnemonic_msg(keypair, "hotkey") self.set_hotkey(keypair, encrypt=use_password, overwrite=overwrite) return self
[docs] def new_coldkey( self, n_words: int = 12, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Creates a new coldkey, optionally encrypts it with the user-provided password and saves to disk. Args: n_words: (int, optional): Number of mnemonic words to use. use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determines if this operation overwrites the coldkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/coldkey``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created coldkey. """ self.create_new_coldkey(n_words, use_password, overwrite, suppress)
[docs] def create_new_coldkey( self, n_words: int = 12, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Creates a new coldkey, optionally encrypts it with the user-provided password and saves to disk. Args: n_words: (int, optional): Number of mnemonic words to use. use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determines if this operation overwrites the coldkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/coldkey``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created coldkey. """ mnemonic = Keypair.generate_mnemonic(n_words) keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic(mnemonic) if not suppress: display_mnemonic_msg(keypair, "coldkey") self.set_coldkey(keypair, encrypt=use_password, overwrite=overwrite) self.set_coldkeypub(keypair, overwrite=overwrite) return self
[docs] def new_hotkey( self, n_words: int = 12, use_password: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Creates a new hotkey, optionally encrypts it with the user-provided password and saves to disk. Args: n_words: (int, optional): Number of mnemonic words to use. use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determines if this operation overwrites the hotkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/hotkeys/<hotkey>``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created hotkey. """ self.create_new_hotkey(n_words, use_password, overwrite, suppress)
[docs] def create_new_hotkey( self, n_words: int = 12, use_password: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Creates a new hotkey, optionally encrypts it with the user-provided password and saves to disk. Args: n_words: (int, optional): Number of mnemonic words to use. use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Will this operation overwrite the hotkey under the same path <wallet path>/<wallet name>/hotkeys/<hotkey> Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created hotkey. """ mnemonic = Keypair.generate_mnemonic(n_words) keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic(mnemonic) if not suppress: display_mnemonic_msg(keypair, "hotkey") self.set_hotkey(keypair, encrypt=use_password, overwrite=overwrite) return self
[docs] def regenerate_coldkeypub( self, ss58_address: Optional[str] = None, public_key: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": """Regenerates the coldkeypub from the passed ``ss58_address`` or public_key and saves the file. Requires either ``ss58_address`` or public_key to be passed. Args: ss58_address: (str, optional): Address as ``ss58`` string. public_key: (str | bytes, optional): Public key as hex string or bytes. overwrite (bool, optional) (default: False): Determins if this operation overwrites the coldkeypub (if exists) under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/coldkeypub``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): Newly re-generated wallet with coldkeypub. """ if ss58_address is None and public_key is None: raise ValueError("Either ss58_address or public_key must be passed") if not is_valid_bittensor_address_or_public_key( ss58_address if ss58_address is not None else public_key ): raise ValueError( f"Invalid {'ss58_address' if ss58_address is not None else 'public_key'}" ) if ss58_address is not None: ss58_format = bittensor.utils.get_ss58_format(ss58_address) keypair = Keypair( ss58_address=ss58_address, public_key=public_key, ss58_format=ss58_format, ) else: keypair = Keypair( ss58_address=ss58_address, public_key=public_key, ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__, ) # No need to encrypt the public key self.set_coldkeypub(keypair, overwrite=overwrite) return self
# Short name for regenerate_coldkeypub regen_coldkeypub = regenerate_coldkeypub @overload def regenerate_coldkey( self, mnemonic: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": ... @overload def regenerate_coldkey( self, seed: Optional[str] = None, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": ... @overload def regenerate_coldkey( self, json: Optional[Tuple[Union[str, Dict], str]] = None, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": ...
[docs] def regenerate_coldkey( self, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> "wallet": """Regenerates the coldkey from the passed mnemonic or seed, or JSON encrypts it with the user's password and saves the file. Args: mnemonic: (Union[list, str], optional): Key mnemonic as list of words or string space separated words. seed: (str, optional): Seed as hex string. json: (Tuple[Union[str, Dict], str], optional): Restore from encrypted JSON backup as ``(json_data: Union[str, Dict], passphrase: str)`` use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determines if this operation overwrites the coldkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/coldkey``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created coldkey. Note: Uses priority order: ``mnemonic > seed > json``. """ if len(kwargs) == 0: raise ValueError("Must pass either mnemonic, seed, or json") # Get from kwargs mnemonic = kwargs.get("mnemonic", None) seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) json = kwargs.get("json", None) if mnemonic is None and seed is None and json is None: raise ValueError("Must pass either mnemonic, seed, or json") if mnemonic is not None: if isinstance(mnemonic, str): mnemonic = mnemonic.split() elif isinstance(mnemonic, list) and len(mnemonic) == 1: mnemonic = mnemonic[0].split() if len(mnemonic) not in [12, 15, 18, 21, 24]: raise ValueError( "Mnemonic has invalid size. This should be 12,15,18,21 or 24 words" ) keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic( " ".join(mnemonic), ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) if not suppress: display_mnemonic_msg(keypair, "coldkey") elif seed is not None: keypair = Keypair.create_from_seed( seed, ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) else: # json is not None if ( not isinstance(json, tuple) or len(json) != 2 or not isinstance(json[0], (str, dict)) or not isinstance(json[1], str) ): raise ValueError( "json must be a tuple of (json_data: str | Dict, passphrase: str)" ) json_data, passphrase = json keypair = Keypair.create_from_encrypted_json( json_data, passphrase, ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) self.set_coldkey(keypair, encrypt=use_password, overwrite=overwrite) self.set_coldkeypub(keypair, overwrite=overwrite) return self
# Short name for regenerate_coldkey regen_coldkey = regenerate_coldkey @overload def regenerate_hotkey( self, mnemonic: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": ... @overload def regenerate_hotkey( self, seed: Optional[str] = None, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": ... @overload def regenerate_hotkey( self, json: Optional[Tuple[Union[str, Dict], str]] = None, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, ) -> "wallet": ...
[docs] def regenerate_hotkey( self, use_password: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, suppress: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> "wallet": """Regenerates the hotkey from passed mnemonic or seed, encrypts it with the user's password and saves the file. Args: mnemonic: (Union[list, str], optional): Key mnemonic as list of words or string space separated words. seed: (str, optional): Seed as hex string. json: (Tuple[Union[str, Dict], str], optional): Restore from encrypted JSON backup as ``(json_data: Union[str, Dict], passphrase: str)``. use_password (bool, optional): Is the created key password protected. overwrite (bool, optional): Determies if this operation overwrites the hotkey under the same path ``<wallet path>/<wallet name>/hotkeys/<hotkey>``. Returns: wallet (bittensor.wallet): This object with newly created hotkey. """ if len(kwargs) == 0: raise ValueError("Must pass either mnemonic, seed, or json") # Get from kwargs mnemonic = kwargs.get("mnemonic", None) seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) json = kwargs.get("json", None) if mnemonic is None and seed is None and json is None: raise ValueError("Must pass either mnemonic, seed, or json") if mnemonic is not None: if isinstance(mnemonic, str): mnemonic = mnemonic.split() elif isinstance(mnemonic, list) and len(mnemonic) == 1: mnemonic = mnemonic[0].split() if len(mnemonic) not in [12, 15, 18, 21, 24]: raise ValueError( "Mnemonic has invalid size. This should be 12,15,18,21 or 24 words" ) keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic( " ".join(mnemonic), ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) if not suppress: display_mnemonic_msg(keypair, "hotkey") elif seed is not None: keypair = Keypair.create_from_seed( seed, ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) else: # json is not None if ( not isinstance(json, tuple) or len(json) != 2 or not isinstance(json[0], (str, dict)) or not isinstance(json[1], str) ): raise ValueError( "json must be a tuple of (json_data: str | Dict, passphrase: str)" ) json_data, passphrase = json keypair = Keypair.create_from_encrypted_json( json_data, passphrase, ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) self.set_hotkey(keypair, encrypt=use_password, overwrite=overwrite) return self
# Short name for regenerate_hotkey regen_hotkey = regenerate_hotkey