



Executes the list command which enumerates all wallets and their respective hotkeys present in the user's Bittensor configuration directory.

Module Contents#

class bittensor.commands.list.ListCommand[source]#

Executes the list command which enumerates all wallets and their respective hotkeys present in the user’s Bittensor configuration directory.

The command organizes the information in a tree structure, displaying each wallet along with the ss58 addresses for the coldkey public key and any hotkeys associated with it.

Optional arguments:
  • -p, --path: The path to the Bittensor configuration directory. Defaults to ‘~/.bittensor’.

The output is presented in a hierarchical tree format, with each wallet as a root node, and any associated hotkeys as child nodes. The ss58 address is displayed for each coldkey and hotkey that is not encrypted and exists on the device.


Upon invocation, the command scans the wallet directory and prints a list of all wallets, indicating whether the public keys are available (? denotes unavailable or encrypted keys).

Example usage:

btcli wallet list --path ~/.bittensor


This command is read-only and does not modify the filesystem or the network state. It is intended for use within the Bittensor CLI to provide a quick overview of the user’s wallets.

static run(cli)[source]#

Lists wallets.

static _run(cli, wallets, return_value=False)[source]#

cli (bittensor.cli)

static check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

static add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)

static get_tree(cli)[source]#