Source code for bittensor.utils.registration

import binascii
import functools
import hashlib
import math
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.queues  # this must be imported separately, or could break type annotations
import os
import random
import time
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
from queue import Empty, Full
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import backoff
import numpy

import bittensor
from Crypto.Hash import keccak
from rich import console as rich_console
from rich import status as rich_status

from .formatting import get_human_readable, millify
from ._register_cuda import solve_cuda

[docs] def use_torch() -> bool: """Force the use of torch over numpy for certain operations.""" return True if os.getenv("USE_TORCH") == "1" else False
[docs] def legacy_torch_api_compat(func): """ Convert function operating on numpy Input&Output to legacy torch Input&Output API if `use_torch()` is True. Args: func (function): Function with numpy Input/Output to be decorated. Returns: decorated (function): Decorated function. """ @functools.wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if use_torch(): # if argument is a Torch tensor, convert it to numpy args = [ arg.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else arg for arg in args ] kwargs = { key: value.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor) else value for key, value in kwargs.items() } ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if use_torch(): # if return value is a numpy array, convert it to Torch tensor if isinstance(ret, numpy.ndarray): ret = torch.from_numpy(ret) return ret return decorated
[docs] @functools.cache def _get_real_torch(): try: import torch as _real_torch except ImportError: _real_torch = None return _real_torch
[docs] def log_no_torch_error(): bittensor.logging.error( "This command requires torch. You can install torch for bittensor" ' with `pip install bittensor[torch]` or `pip install ".[torch]"`' " if installing from source, and then run the command with USE_TORCH=1 {command}" )
[docs] class LazyLoadedTorch:
[docs] def __bool__(self): return bool(_get_real_torch())
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): if real_torch := _get_real_torch(): return getattr(real_torch, name) else: log_no_torch_error() raise ImportError("torch not installed")
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: import torch else: torch = LazyLoadedTorch()
[docs] class CUDAException(Exception): """An exception raised when an error occurs in the CUDA environment.""" pass
[docs] def _hex_bytes_to_u8_list(hex_bytes: bytes): hex_chunks = [int(hex_bytes[i : i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, len(hex_bytes), 2)] return hex_chunks
[docs] def _create_seal_hash(block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes, nonce: int) -> bytes: nonce_bytes = binascii.hexlify(nonce.to_bytes(8, "little")) pre_seal = nonce_bytes + binascii.hexlify(block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes)[:64] seal_sh256 = hashlib.sha256(bytearray(_hex_bytes_to_u8_list(pre_seal))).digest() kec = seal = kec.update(seal_sh256).digest() return seal
[docs] def _seal_meets_difficulty(seal: bytes, difficulty: int, limit: int): seal_number = int.from_bytes(seal, "big") product = seal_number * difficulty return product < limit
[docs] @dataclass class POWSolution: """A solution to the registration PoW problem.""" nonce: int block_number: int difficulty: int seal: bytes
[docs] def is_stale(self, subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor") -> bool: """Returns True if the POW is stale. This means the block the POW is solved for is within 3 blocks of the current block. """ return self.block_number < subtensor.get_current_block() - 3
[docs] class _SolverBase(multiprocessing.Process): """ A process that solves the registration PoW problem. Args: proc_num: int The number of the process being created. num_proc: int The total number of processes running. update_interval: int The number of nonces to try to solve before checking for a new block. finished_queue: multiprocessing.Queue The queue to put the process number when a process finishes each update_interval. Used for calculating the average time per update_interval across all processes. solution_queue: multiprocessing.Queue The queue to put the solution the process has found during the pow solve. newBlockEvent: multiprocessing.Event The event to set by the main process when a new block is finalized in the network. The solver process will check for the event after each update_interval. The solver process will get the new block hash and difficulty and start solving for a new nonce. stopEvent: multiprocessing.Event The event to set by the main process when all the solver processes should stop. The solver process will check for the event after each update_interval. The solver process will stop when the event is set. Used to stop the solver processes when a solution is found. curr_block: multiprocessing.Array The array containing this process's current block hash. The main process will set the array to the new block hash when a new block is finalized in the network. The solver process will get the new block hash from this array when newBlockEvent is set. curr_block_num: multiprocessing.Value The value containing this process's current block number. The main process will set the value to the new block number when a new block is finalized in the network. The solver process will get the new block number from this value when newBlockEvent is set. curr_diff: multiprocessing.Array The array containing this process's current difficulty. The main process will set the array to the new difficulty when a new block is finalized in the network. The solver process will get the new difficulty from this array when newBlockEvent is set. check_block: multiprocessing.Lock The lock to prevent this process from getting the new block data while the main process is updating the data. limit: int The limit of the pow solve for a valid solution. """ proc_num: int num_proc: int update_interval: int finished_queue: multiprocessing.Queue solution_queue: multiprocessing.Queue newBlockEvent: multiprocessing.Event stopEvent: multiprocessing.Event hotkey_bytes: bytes curr_block: multiprocessing.Array curr_block_num: multiprocessing.Value curr_diff: multiprocessing.Array check_block: multiprocessing.Lock limit: int def __init__( self, proc_num, num_proc, update_interval, finished_queue, solution_queue, stopEvent, curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff, check_block, limit, ): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self, daemon=True) self.proc_num = proc_num self.num_proc = num_proc self.update_interval = update_interval self.finished_queue = finished_queue self.solution_queue = solution_queue self.newBlockEvent = multiprocessing.Event() self.newBlockEvent.clear() self.curr_block = curr_block self.curr_block_num = curr_block_num self.curr_diff = curr_diff self.check_block = check_block self.stopEvent = stopEvent self.limit = limit
[docs] def run(self): raise NotImplementedError("_SolverBase is an abstract class")
[docs] @staticmethod def create_shared_memory() -> ( Tuple[multiprocessing.Array, multiprocessing.Value, multiprocessing.Array] ): """Creates shared memory for the solver processes to use.""" curr_block = multiprocessing.Array("h", 32, lock=True) # byte array curr_block_num = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0, lock=True) # int curr_diff = multiprocessing.Array("Q", [0, 0], lock=True) # [high, low] return curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff
[docs] class _Solver(_SolverBase):
[docs] def run(self): block_number: int block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes block_difficulty: int nonce_limit = int(math.pow(2, 64)) - 1 # Start at random nonce nonce_start = random.randint(0, nonce_limit) nonce_end = nonce_start + self.update_interval while not self.stopEvent.is_set(): if self.newBlockEvent.is_set(): with self.check_block: block_number = self.curr_block_num.value block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes = bytes(self.curr_block) block_difficulty = _registration_diff_unpack(self.curr_diff) self.newBlockEvent.clear() # Do a block of nonces solution = _solve_for_nonce_block( nonce_start, nonce_end, block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes, block_difficulty, self.limit, block_number, ) if solution is not None: self.solution_queue.put(solution) try: # Send time self.finished_queue.put_nowait(self.proc_num) except Full: pass nonce_start = random.randint(0, nonce_limit) nonce_start = nonce_start % nonce_limit nonce_end = nonce_start + self.update_interval
[docs] class _CUDASolver(_SolverBase): dev_id: int tpb: int def __init__( self, proc_num, num_proc, update_interval, finished_queue, solution_queue, stopEvent, curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff, check_block, limit, dev_id: int, tpb: int, ): super().__init__( proc_num, num_proc, update_interval, finished_queue, solution_queue, stopEvent, curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff, check_block, limit, ) self.dev_id = dev_id self.tpb = tpb
[docs] def run(self): block_number: int = 0 # dummy value block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes = b"0" * 32 # dummy value block_difficulty: int = int(math.pow(2, 64)) - 1 # dummy value nonce_limit = int(math.pow(2, 64)) - 1 # U64MAX # Start at random nonce nonce_start = random.randint(0, nonce_limit) while not self.stopEvent.is_set(): if self.newBlockEvent.is_set(): with self.check_block: block_number = self.curr_block_num.value block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes = bytes(self.curr_block) block_difficulty = _registration_diff_unpack(self.curr_diff) self.newBlockEvent.clear() # Do a block of nonces solution = _solve_for_nonce_block_cuda( nonce_start, self.update_interval, block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes, block_difficulty, self.limit, block_number, self.dev_id, self.tpb, ) if solution is not None: self.solution_queue.put(solution) try: # Signal that a nonce_block was finished using queue # send our proc_num self.finished_queue.put(self.proc_num) except Full: pass # increase nonce by number of nonces processed nonce_start += self.update_interval * self.tpb nonce_start = nonce_start % nonce_limit
[docs] def _solve_for_nonce_block_cuda( nonce_start: int, update_interval: int, block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes, difficulty: int, limit: int, block_number: int, dev_id: int, tpb: int, ) -> Optional[POWSolution]: """Tries to solve the POW on a CUDA device for a block of nonces (nonce_start, nonce_start + update_interval * tpb""" solution, seal = solve_cuda( nonce_start, update_interval, tpb, block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes, difficulty, limit, dev_id, ) if solution != -1: # Check if solution is valid (i.e. not -1) return POWSolution(solution, block_number, difficulty, seal) return None
[docs] def _solve_for_nonce_block( nonce_start: int, nonce_end: int, block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes, difficulty: int, limit: int, block_number: int, ) -> Optional[POWSolution]: """Tries to solve the POW for a block of nonces (nonce_start, nonce_end)""" for nonce in range(nonce_start, nonce_end): # Create seal. seal = _create_seal_hash(block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes, nonce) # Check if seal meets difficulty if _seal_meets_difficulty(seal, difficulty, limit): # Found a solution, save it. return POWSolution(nonce, block_number, difficulty, seal) return None
[docs] def _registration_diff_unpack(packed_diff: multiprocessing.Array) -> int: """Unpacks the packed two 32-bit integers into one 64-bit integer. Little endian.""" return int(packed_diff[0] << 32 | packed_diff[1])
[docs] def _registration_diff_pack(diff: int, packed_diff: multiprocessing.Array): """Packs the difficulty into two 32-bit integers. Little endian.""" packed_diff[0] = diff >> 32 packed_diff[1] = diff & 0xFFFFFFFF # low 32 bits
[docs] def _hash_block_with_hotkey(block_bytes: bytes, hotkey_bytes: bytes) -> bytes: """Hashes the block with the hotkey using Keccak-256 to get 32 bytes""" kec = kec = kec.update(bytearray(block_bytes + hotkey_bytes)) block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes = kec.digest() return block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes
[docs] def _update_curr_block( curr_diff: multiprocessing.Array, curr_block: multiprocessing.Array, curr_block_num: multiprocessing.Value, block_number: int, block_bytes: bytes, diff: int, hotkey_bytes: bytes, lock: multiprocessing.Lock, ): with lock: curr_block_num.value = block_number # Hash the block with the hotkey block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes = _hash_block_with_hotkey(block_bytes, hotkey_bytes) for i in range(32): curr_block[i] = block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes[i] _registration_diff_pack(diff, curr_diff)
[docs] def get_cpu_count() -> int: try: return len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except AttributeError: # OSX does not have sched_getaffinity return os.cpu_count()
[docs] @dataclass class RegistrationStatistics: """Statistics for a registration.""" time_spent_total: float rounds_total: int time_average: float time_spent: float hash_rate_perpetual: float hash_rate: float difficulty: int block_number: int block_hash: bytes
[docs] class RegistrationStatisticsLogger: """Logs statistics for a registration.""" console: rich_console.Console status: Optional[rich_status.Status] def __init__( self, console: rich_console.Console, output_in_place: bool = True ) -> None: self.console = console if output_in_place: self.status = self.console.status("Solving") else: self.status = None
[docs] def start(self) -> None: if self.status is not None: self.status.start()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: if self.status is not None: self.status.stop()
[docs] def get_status_message( cls, stats: RegistrationStatistics, verbose: bool = False ) -> str: message = ( "Solving\n" + f"Time Spent (total): [bold white]{timedelta(seconds=stats.time_spent_total)}[/bold white]\n" + ( f"Time Spent This Round: {timedelta(seconds=stats.time_spent)}\n" + f"Time Spent Average: {timedelta(seconds=stats.time_average)}\n" if verbose else "" ) + f"Registration Difficulty: [bold white]{millify(stats.difficulty)}[/bold white]\n" + f"Iters (Inst/Perp): [bold white]{get_human_readable(stats.hash_rate, 'H')}/s / " + f"{get_human_readable(stats.hash_rate_perpetual, 'H')}/s[/bold white]\n" + f"Block Number: [bold white]{stats.block_number}[/bold white]\n" + f"Block Hash: [bold white]{stats.block_hash.encode('utf-8')}[/bold white]\n" ) return message
[docs] def update(self, stats: RegistrationStatistics, verbose: bool = False) -> None: if self.status is not None: self.status.update(self.get_status_message(stats, verbose=verbose)) else: self.console.log(self.get_status_message(stats, verbose=verbose))
[docs] def _solve_for_difficulty_fast( subtensor, wallet: "bittensor.wallet", netuid: int, output_in_place: bool = True, num_processes: Optional[int] = None, update_interval: Optional[int] = None, n_samples: int = 10, alpha_: float = 0.80, log_verbose: bool = False, ) -> Optional[POWSolution]: """ Solves the POW for registration using multiprocessing. Args: subtensor Subtensor to connect to for block information and to submit. wallet: wallet to use for registration. netuid: int The netuid of the subnet to register to. output_in_place: bool If true, prints the status in place. Otherwise, prints the status on a new line. num_processes: int Number of processes to use. update_interval: int Number of nonces to solve before updating block information. n_samples: int The number of samples of the hash_rate to keep for the EWMA alpha_: float The alpha for the EWMA for the hash_rate calculation log_verbose: bool If true, prints more verbose logging of the registration metrics. Note: The hash rate is calculated as an exponentially weighted moving average in order to make the measure more robust. Note: - We can also modify the update interval to do smaller blocks of work, while still updating the block information after a different number of nonces, to increase the transparency of the process while still keeping the speed. """ if num_processes is None: # get the number of allowed processes for this process num_processes = min(1, get_cpu_count()) if update_interval is None: update_interval = 50_000 limit = int(math.pow(2, 256)) - 1 curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff = _Solver.create_shared_memory() # Establish communication queues ## See the _Solver class for more information on the queues. stopEvent = multiprocessing.Event() stopEvent.clear() solution_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() finished_queues = [multiprocessing.Queue() for _ in range(num_processes)] check_block = multiprocessing.Lock() hotkey_bytes = ( wallet.coldkeypub.public_key if netuid == -1 else wallet.hotkey.public_key ) # Start consumers solvers = [ _Solver( i, num_processes, update_interval, finished_queues[i], solution_queue, stopEvent, curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff, check_block, limit, ) for i in range(num_processes) ] # Get first block block_number, difficulty, block_hash = _get_block_with_retry( subtensor=subtensor, netuid=netuid ) block_bytes = bytes.fromhex(block_hash[2:]) old_block_number = block_number # Set to current block _update_curr_block( curr_diff, curr_block, curr_block_num, block_number, block_bytes, difficulty, hotkey_bytes, check_block, ) # Set new block events for each solver to start at the initial block for worker in solvers: worker.newBlockEvent.set() for worker in solvers: worker.start() # start the solver processes start_time = time.time() # time that the registration started time_last = start_time # time that the last work blocks completed curr_stats = RegistrationStatistics( time_spent_total=0.0, time_average=0.0, rounds_total=0, time_spent=0.0, hash_rate_perpetual=0.0, hash_rate=0.0, difficulty=difficulty, block_number=block_number, block_hash=block_hash, ) start_time_perpetual = time.time() console = bittensor.__console__ logger = RegistrationStatisticsLogger(console, output_in_place) logger.start() solution = None hash_rates = [0] * n_samples # The last n true hash_rates weights = [alpha_**i for i in range(n_samples)] # weights decay by alpha while netuid == -1 or not subtensor.is_hotkey_registered( netuid=netuid, hotkey_ss58=wallet.hotkey.ss58_address ): # Wait until a solver finds a solution try: solution = solution_queue.get(block=True, timeout=0.25) if solution is not None: break except Empty: # No solution found, try again pass # check for new block old_block_number = _check_for_newest_block_and_update( subtensor=subtensor, netuid=netuid, hotkey_bytes=hotkey_bytes, old_block_number=old_block_number, curr_diff=curr_diff, curr_block=curr_block, curr_block_num=curr_block_num, curr_stats=curr_stats, update_curr_block=_update_curr_block, check_block=check_block, solvers=solvers, ) num_time = 0 for finished_queue in finished_queues: try: proc_num = finished_queue.get(timeout=0.1) num_time += 1 except Empty: continue time_now = time.time() # get current time time_since_last = time_now - time_last # get time since last work block(s) if num_time > 0 and time_since_last > 0.0: # create EWMA of the hash_rate to make measure more robust hash_rate_ = (num_time * update_interval) / time_since_last hash_rates.append(hash_rate_) hash_rates.pop(0) # remove the 0th data point curr_stats.hash_rate = sum( [hash_rates[i] * weights[i] for i in range(n_samples)] ) / (sum(weights)) # update time last to now time_last = time_now curr_stats.time_average = ( curr_stats.time_average * curr_stats.rounds_total + curr_stats.time_spent ) / (curr_stats.rounds_total + num_time) curr_stats.rounds_total += num_time # Update stats curr_stats.time_spent = time_since_last new_time_spent_total = time_now - start_time_perpetual curr_stats.hash_rate_perpetual = ( curr_stats.rounds_total * update_interval ) / new_time_spent_total curr_stats.time_spent_total = new_time_spent_total # Update the logger logger.update(curr_stats, verbose=log_verbose) # exited while, solution contains the nonce or wallet is registered stopEvent.set() # stop all other processes logger.stop() # terminate and wait for all solvers to exit _terminate_workers_and_wait_for_exit(solvers) return solution
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.constant, Exception, interval=1, max_tries=3) def _get_block_with_retry( subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor", netuid: int ) -> Tuple[int, int, bytes]: """ Gets the current block number, difficulty, and block hash from the substrate node. Args: subtensor (:obj:`bittensor.subtensor`, `required`): The subtensor object to use to get the block number, difficulty, and block hash. netuid (:obj:`int`, `required`): The netuid of the network to get the block number, difficulty, and block hash from. Returns: block_number (:obj:`int`): The current block number. difficulty (:obj:`int`): The current difficulty of the subnet. block_hash (:obj:`bytes`): The current block hash. Raises: Exception: If the block hash is None. ValueError: If the difficulty is None. """ block_number = subtensor.get_current_block() difficulty = 1_000_000 if netuid == -1 else subtensor.difficulty(netuid=netuid) block_hash = subtensor.get_block_hash(block_number) if block_hash is None: raise Exception( "Network error. Could not connect to substrate to get block hash" ) if difficulty is None: raise ValueError("Chain error. Difficulty is None") return block_number, difficulty, block_hash
[docs] class _UsingSpawnStartMethod: def __init__(self, force: bool = False): self._old_start_method = None self._force = force
[docs] def __enter__(self): self._old_start_method = multiprocessing.get_start_method(allow_none=True) if self._old_start_method is None: self._old_start_method = "spawn" # default to spawn multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn", force=self._force)
[docs] def __exit__(self, *args): # restore the old start method multiprocessing.set_start_method(self._old_start_method, force=True)
[docs] def _check_for_newest_block_and_update( subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor", netuid: int, old_block_number: int, hotkey_bytes: bytes, curr_diff: multiprocessing.Array, curr_block: multiprocessing.Array, curr_block_num: multiprocessing.Value, update_curr_block: Callable, check_block: "multiprocessing.Lock", solvers: List[_Solver], curr_stats: RegistrationStatistics, ) -> int: """ Checks for a new block and updates the current block information if a new block is found. Args: subtensor (:obj:`bittensor.subtensor`, `required`): The subtensor object to use for getting the current block. netuid (:obj:`int`, `required`): The netuid to use for retrieving the difficulty. old_block_number (:obj:`int`, `required`): The old block number to check against. hotkey_bytes (:obj:`bytes`, `required`): The bytes of the hotkey's pubkey. curr_diff (:obj:`multiprocessing.Array`, `required`): The current difficulty as a multiprocessing array. curr_block (:obj:`multiprocessing.Array`, `required`): Where the current block is stored as a multiprocessing array. curr_block_num (:obj:`multiprocessing.Value`, `required`): Where the current block number is stored as a multiprocessing value. update_curr_block (:obj:`Callable`, `required`): A function that updates the current block. check_block (:obj:`multiprocessing.Lock`, `required`): A mp lock that is used to check for a new block. solvers (:obj:`List[_Solver]`, `required`): A list of solvers to update the current block for. curr_stats (:obj:`RegistrationStatistics`, `required`): The current registration statistics to update. Returns: (int) The current block number. """ block_number = subtensor.get_current_block() if block_number != old_block_number: old_block_number = block_number # update block information block_number, difficulty, block_hash = _get_block_with_retry( subtensor=subtensor, netuid=netuid ) block_bytes = bytes.fromhex(block_hash[2:]) update_curr_block( curr_diff, curr_block, curr_block_num, block_number, block_bytes, difficulty, hotkey_bytes, check_block, ) # Set new block events for each solver for worker in solvers: worker.newBlockEvent.set() # update stats curr_stats.block_number = block_number curr_stats.block_hash = block_hash curr_stats.difficulty = difficulty return old_block_number
[docs] def _solve_for_difficulty_fast_cuda( subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor", wallet: "bittensor.wallet", netuid: int, output_in_place: bool = True, update_interval: int = 50_000, tpb: int = 512, dev_id: Union[List[int], int] = 0, n_samples: int = 10, alpha_: float = 0.80, log_verbose: bool = False, ) -> Optional[POWSolution]: """ Solves the registration fast using CUDA Args: subtensor: bittensor.subtensor The subtensor node to grab blocks wallet: bittensor.wallet The wallet to register netuid: int The netuid of the subnet to register to. output_in_place: bool If true, prints the output in place, otherwise prints to new lines update_interval: int The number of nonces to try before checking for more blocks tpb: int The number of threads per block. CUDA param that should match the GPU capability dev_id: Union[List[int], int] The CUDA device IDs to execute the registration on, either a single device or a list of devices n_samples: int The number of samples of the hash_rate to keep for the EWMA alpha_: float The alpha for the EWMA for the hash_rate calculation log_verbose: bool If true, prints more verbose logging of the registration metrics. Note: The hash rate is calculated as an exponentially weighted moving average in order to make the measure more robust. """ if isinstance(dev_id, int): dev_id = [dev_id] elif dev_id is None: dev_id = [0] if update_interval is None: update_interval = 50_000 if not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception("CUDA not available") limit = int(math.pow(2, 256)) - 1 # Set mp start to use spawn so CUDA doesn't complain with _UsingSpawnStartMethod(force=True): curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff = _CUDASolver.create_shared_memory() ## Create a worker per CUDA device num_processes = len(dev_id) # Establish communication queues stopEvent = multiprocessing.Event() stopEvent.clear() solution_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() finished_queues = [multiprocessing.Queue() for _ in range(num_processes)] check_block = multiprocessing.Lock() hotkey_bytes = wallet.hotkey.public_key # Start workers solvers = [ _CUDASolver( i, num_processes, update_interval, finished_queues[i], solution_queue, stopEvent, curr_block, curr_block_num, curr_diff, check_block, limit, dev_id[i], tpb, ) for i in range(num_processes) ] # Get first block block_number, difficulty, block_hash = _get_block_with_retry( subtensor=subtensor, netuid=netuid ) block_bytes = bytes.fromhex(block_hash[2:]) old_block_number = block_number # Set to current block _update_curr_block( curr_diff, curr_block, curr_block_num, block_number, block_bytes, difficulty, hotkey_bytes, check_block, ) # Set new block events for each solver to start at the initial block for worker in solvers: worker.newBlockEvent.set() for worker in solvers: worker.start() # start the solver processes start_time = time.time() # time that the registration started time_last = start_time # time that the last work blocks completed curr_stats = RegistrationStatistics( time_spent_total=0.0, time_average=0.0, rounds_total=0, time_spent=0.0, hash_rate_perpetual=0.0, hash_rate=0.0, # EWMA hash_rate (H/s) difficulty=difficulty, block_number=block_number, block_hash=block_hash, ) start_time_perpetual = time.time() console = bittensor.__console__ logger = RegistrationStatisticsLogger(console, output_in_place) logger.start() hash_rates = [0] * n_samples # The last n true hash_rates weights = [alpha_**i for i in range(n_samples)] # weights decay by alpha solution = None while netuid == -1 or not subtensor.is_hotkey_registered( netuid=netuid, hotkey_ss58=wallet.hotkey.ss58_address ): # Wait until a solver finds a solution try: solution = solution_queue.get(block=True, timeout=0.15) if solution is not None: break except Empty: # No solution found, try again pass # check for new block old_block_number = _check_for_newest_block_and_update( subtensor=subtensor, netuid=netuid, hotkey_bytes=hotkey_bytes, curr_diff=curr_diff, curr_block=curr_block, curr_block_num=curr_block_num, old_block_number=old_block_number, curr_stats=curr_stats, update_curr_block=_update_curr_block, check_block=check_block, solvers=solvers, ) num_time = 0 # Get times for each solver for finished_queue in finished_queues: try: proc_num = finished_queue.get(timeout=0.1) num_time += 1 except Empty: continue time_now = time.time() # get current time time_since_last = time_now - time_last # get time since last work block(s) if num_time > 0 and time_since_last > 0.0: # create EWMA of the hash_rate to make measure more robust hash_rate_ = (num_time * tpb * update_interval) / time_since_last hash_rates.append(hash_rate_) hash_rates.pop(0) # remove the 0th data point curr_stats.hash_rate = sum( [hash_rates[i] * weights[i] for i in range(n_samples)] ) / (sum(weights)) # update time last to now time_last = time_now curr_stats.time_average = ( curr_stats.time_average * curr_stats.rounds_total + curr_stats.time_spent ) / (curr_stats.rounds_total + num_time) curr_stats.rounds_total += num_time # Update stats curr_stats.time_spent = time_since_last new_time_spent_total = time_now - start_time_perpetual curr_stats.hash_rate_perpetual = ( curr_stats.rounds_total * (tpb * update_interval) ) / new_time_spent_total curr_stats.time_spent_total = new_time_spent_total # Update the logger logger.update(curr_stats, verbose=log_verbose) # exited while, found_solution contains the nonce or wallet is registered stopEvent.set() # stop all other processes logger.stop() # terminate and wait for all solvers to exit _terminate_workers_and_wait_for_exit(solvers) return solution
[docs] def _terminate_workers_and_wait_for_exit( workers: List[Union[multiprocessing.Process, multiprocessing.queues.Queue]], ) -> None: for worker in workers: if isinstance(worker, multiprocessing.queues.Queue): worker.join_thread() else: worker.terminate() worker.join() worker.close()
[docs] def create_pow( subtensor, wallet, netuid: int, output_in_place: bool = True, cuda: bool = False, dev_id: Union[List[int], int] = 0, tpb: int = 256, num_processes: int = None, update_interval: int = None, log_verbose: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Creates a proof of work for the given subtensor and wallet. Args: subtensor (:obj:`bittensor.subtensor.subtensor`, `required`): The subtensor to create a proof of work for. wallet (:obj:`bittensor.wallet.wallet`, `required`): The wallet to create a proof of work for. netuid (:obj:`int`, `required`): The netuid for the subnet to create a proof of work for. output_in_place (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): If true, prints the progress of the proof of work to the console in-place. Meaning the progress is printed on the same lines. cuda (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): If true, uses CUDA to solve the proof of work. dev_id (:obj:`Union[List[int], int]`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`0`): The CUDA device id(s) to use. If cuda is true and dev_id is a list, then multiple CUDA devices will be used to solve the proof of work. tpb (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`256`): The number of threads per block to use when solving the proof of work. Should be a multiple of 32. num_processes (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): The number of processes to use when solving the proof of work. If None, then the number of processes is equal to the number of CPU cores. update_interval (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): The number of nonces to run before checking for a new block. log_verbose (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): If true, prints the progress of the proof of work more verbosely. Returns: :obj:`Optional[Dict[str, Any]]`: The proof of work solution or None if the wallet is already registered or there is a different error. Raises: :obj:`ValueError`: If the subnet does not exist. """ if netuid != -1: if not subtensor.subnet_exists(netuid=netuid): raise ValueError(f"Subnet {netuid} does not exist") if cuda: solution: Optional[POWSolution] = _solve_for_difficulty_fast_cuda( subtensor, wallet, netuid=netuid, output_in_place=output_in_place, dev_id=dev_id, tpb=tpb, update_interval=update_interval, log_verbose=log_verbose, ) else: solution: Optional[POWSolution] = _solve_for_difficulty_fast( subtensor, wallet, netuid=netuid, output_in_place=output_in_place, num_processes=num_processes, update_interval=update_interval, log_verbose=log_verbose, ) return solution