Source code for bittensor.utils._register_cuda

import binascii
import hashlib
import math
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from Crypto.Hash import keccak

from contextlib import redirect_stdout
import io

[docs] def solve_cuda( nonce_start: np.int64, update_interval: np.int64, tpb: int, block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes, difficulty: int, limit: int, dev_id: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[np.int64, bytes]: """ Solves the PoW problem using CUDA. Args: nonce_start: int64 Starting nonce. update_interval: int64 Number of nonces to solve before updating block information. tpb: int Threads per block. block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes: bytes Keccak(Bytes of the block hash + bytes of the hotkey) 64 bytes. difficulty: int256 Difficulty of the PoW problem. limit: int256 Upper limit of the nonce. dev_id: int (default=0) The CUDA device ID Returns: Tuple[int64, bytes] Tuple of the nonce and the seal corresponding to the solution. Returns -1 for nonce if no solution is found. """ try: import cubit except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install cubit") upper = int(limit // difficulty) upper_bytes = upper.to_bytes(32, byteorder="little", signed=False) def _hex_bytes_to_u8_list(hex_bytes: bytes): hex_chunks = [ int(hex_bytes[i : i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, len(hex_bytes), 2) ] return hex_chunks def _create_seal_hash(block_and_hotkey_hash_hex: bytes, nonce: int) -> bytes: nonce_bytes = binascii.hexlify(nonce.to_bytes(8, "little")) pre_seal = nonce_bytes + block_and_hotkey_hash_hex seal_sh256 = hashlib.sha256(bytearray(_hex_bytes_to_u8_list(pre_seal))).digest() kec = seal = kec.update(seal_sh256).digest() return seal def _seal_meets_difficulty(seal: bytes, difficulty: int): seal_number = int.from_bytes(seal, "big") product = seal_number * difficulty limit = int(math.pow(2, 256)) - 1 return product < limit # Call cython function # int blockSize, uint64 nonce_start, uint64 update_interval, const unsigned char[:] limit, # const unsigned char[:] block_bytes, int dev_id block_and_hotkey_hash_hex = binascii.hexlify(block_and_hotkey_hash_bytes)[:64] solution = cubit.solve_cuda( tpb, nonce_start, update_interval, upper_bytes, block_and_hotkey_hash_hex, dev_id, ) # 0 is first GPU seal = None if solution != -1: seal = _create_seal_hash(block_and_hotkey_hash_hex, solution) if _seal_meets_difficulty(seal, difficulty): return solution, seal else: return -1, b"\x00" * 32 return solution, seal
[docs] def reset_cuda(): """ Resets the CUDA environment. """ try: import cubit except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install cubit") cubit.reset_cuda()
[docs] def log_cuda_errors() -> str: """ Logs any CUDA errors. """ try: import cubit except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install cubit") f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): cubit.log_cuda_errors() s = f.getvalue() return s