Source code for bittensor.keyfile

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright © 2021 Yuma Rao

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
# documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
# the Software.


import os
import base64
import json
import stat
import getpass
import bittensor
from bittensor.errors import KeyFileError
from typing import Optional
from pathlib import Path

from ansible_vault import Vault
from ansible.parsing.vault import AnsibleVaultError
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature, InvalidKey
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidToken
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
from nacl import pwhash, secret
from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError
from password_strength import PasswordPolicy
from substrateinterface.utils.ss58 import ss58_encode
from termcolor import colored
from rich.prompt import Confirm

NACL_SALT = b"\x13q\x83\xdf\xf1Z\t\xbc\x9c\x90\xb5Q\x879\xe9\xb1"

[docs] def serialized_keypair_to_keyfile_data(keypair: "bittensor.Keypair") -> bytes: """Serializes keypair object into keyfile data. Args: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The keypair object to be serialized. Returns: data (bytes): Serialized keypair data. """ json_data = { "accountId": "0x" + keypair.public_key.hex() if keypair.public_key else None, "publicKey": "0x" + keypair.public_key.hex() if keypair.public_key else None, "privateKey": "0x" + keypair.private_key.hex() if keypair.private_key else None, "secretPhrase": keypair.mnemonic if keypair.mnemonic else None, "secretSeed": ( "0x" + ( keypair.seed_hex if isinstance(keypair.seed_hex, str) else keypair.seed_hex.hex() ) if keypair.seed_hex else None ), "ss58Address": keypair.ss58_address if keypair.ss58_address else None, } data = json.dumps(json_data).encode() return data
[docs] def deserialize_keypair_from_keyfile_data(keyfile_data: bytes) -> "bittensor.Keypair": """Deserializes Keypair object from passed keyfile data. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The keyfile data as bytes to be loaded. Returns: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The Keypair loaded from bytes. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the passed bytes cannot construct a keypair object. """ keyfile_data = keyfile_data.decode() try: keyfile_dict = dict(json.loads(keyfile_data)) except: string_value = str(keyfile_data) if string_value[:2] == "0x": string_value = ss58_encode(string_value) keyfile_dict = { "accountId": None, "publicKey": None, "privateKey": None, "secretPhrase": None, "secretSeed": None, "ss58Address": string_value, } else: raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keypair could not be created from keyfile data: {}".format( string_value ) ) if "secretSeed" in keyfile_dict and keyfile_dict["secretSeed"] is not None: return bittensor.Keypair.create_from_seed(keyfile_dict["secretSeed"]) elif "secretPhrase" in keyfile_dict and keyfile_dict["secretPhrase"] is not None: return bittensor.Keypair.create_from_mnemonic( mnemonic=keyfile_dict["secretPhrase"] ) elif keyfile_dict.get("privateKey", None) is not None: # May have the above dict keys also, but we want to preserve the first two return bittensor.Keypair.create_from_private_key( keyfile_dict["privateKey"], ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) if "ss58Address" in keyfile_dict and keyfile_dict["ss58Address"] is not None: return bittensor.Keypair(ss58_address=keyfile_dict["ss58Address"]) else: raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keypair could not be created from keyfile data: {}".format(keyfile_dict) )
[docs] def validate_password(password: str) -> bool: """Validates the password against a password policy. Args: password (str): The password to verify. Returns: valid (bool): ``True`` if the password meets validity requirements. """ policy = PasswordPolicy.from_names(strength=0.20, entropybits=10, length=6) if not password: return False tested_pass = policy.password(password) result = tested_pass.test() if len(result) > 0: print( colored( "Password not strong enough. Try increasing the length of the password or the password complexity" ) ) return False password_verification = getpass.getpass("Retype your password: ") if password != password_verification: print("Passwords do not match") return False return True
[docs] def ask_password_to_encrypt() -> str: """Prompts the user to enter a password for key encryption. Returns: password (str): The valid password entered by the user. """ valid = False while not valid: password = getpass.getpass("Specify password for key encryption: ") valid = validate_password(password) return password
[docs] def keyfile_data_is_encrypted_nacl(keyfile_data: bytes) -> bool: """Returns true if the keyfile data is NaCl encrypted. Args: keyfile_data ( bytes, required ): Bytes to validate. Returns: is_nacl (bool): ``True`` if data is ansible encrypted. """ return keyfile_data[: len("$NACL")] == b"$NACL"
[docs] def keyfile_data_is_encrypted_ansible(keyfile_data: bytes) -> bool: """Returns true if the keyfile data is ansible encrypted. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The bytes to validate. Returns: is_ansible (bool): True if the data is ansible encrypted. """ return keyfile_data[:14] == b"$ANSIBLE_VAULT"
[docs] def keyfile_data_is_encrypted_legacy(keyfile_data: bytes) -> bool: """Returns true if the keyfile data is legacy encrypted. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The bytes to validate. Returns: is_legacy (bool): ``True`` if the data is legacy encrypted. """ return keyfile_data[:6] == b"gAAAAA"
[docs] def keyfile_data_is_encrypted(keyfile_data: bytes) -> bool: """Returns ``true`` if the keyfile data is encrypted. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The bytes to validate. Returns: is_encrypted (bool): ``True`` if the data is encrypted. """ return ( keyfile_data_is_encrypted_nacl(keyfile_data) or keyfile_data_is_encrypted_ansible(keyfile_data) or keyfile_data_is_encrypted_legacy(keyfile_data) )
[docs] def keyfile_data_encryption_method(keyfile_data: bytes) -> bool: """Returns ``true`` if the keyfile data is encrypted. Args: keyfile_data ( bytes, required ): Bytes to validate Returns: encryption_method (bool): ``True`` if data is encrypted. """ if keyfile_data_is_encrypted_nacl(keyfile_data): return "NaCl" elif keyfile_data_is_encrypted_ansible(keyfile_data): return "Ansible Vault" elif keyfile_data_is_encrypted_legacy(keyfile_data): return "legacy"
[docs] def legacy_encrypt_keyfile_data(keyfile_data: bytes, password: str = None) -> bytes: password = ask_password_to_encrypt() if password is None else password console = bittensor.__console__ with console.status( ":exclamation_mark: Encrypting key with legacy encrpytion method..." ): vault = Vault(password) return vault.vault.encrypt(keyfile_data)
[docs] def encrypt_keyfile_data(keyfile_data: bytes, password: str = None) -> bytes: """Encrypts the passed keyfile data using ansible vault. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The bytes to encrypt. password (str, optional): The password used to encrypt the data. If ``None``, asks for user input. Returns: encrypted_data (bytes): The encrypted data. """ password = bittensor.ask_password_to_encrypt() if password is None else password password = bytes(password, "utf-8") kdf = pwhash.argon2i.kdf key = kdf( secret.SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, password, NACL_SALT, opslimit=pwhash.argon2i.OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE, memlimit=pwhash.argon2i.MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE, ) box = secret.SecretBox(key) encrypted = box.encrypt(keyfile_data) return b"$NACL" + encrypted
[docs] def get_coldkey_password_from_environment(coldkey_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieves the cold key password from the environment variables. Args: coldkey_name (str): The name of the cold key. Returns: password (str): The password retrieved from the environment variables, or ``None`` if not found. """ envs = { normalized_env_name: env_value for env_name, env_value in os.environ.items() if (normalized_env_name := env_name.upper()).startswith("BT_COLD_PW_") } return envs.get(f"BT_COLD_PW_{coldkey_name.replace('-', '_').upper()}")
[docs] def decrypt_keyfile_data( keyfile_data: bytes, password: str = None, coldkey_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> bytes: """Decrypts the passed keyfile data using ansible vault. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The bytes to decrypt. password (str, optional): The password used to decrypt the data. If ``None``, asks for user input. coldkey_name (str, optional): The name of the cold key. If provided, retrieves the password from environment variables. Returns: decrypted_data (bytes): The decrypted data. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file is corrupted or if the password is incorrect. """ if coldkey_name is not None and password is None: password = get_coldkey_password_from_environment(coldkey_name) try: password = ( getpass.getpass("Enter password to unlock key: ") if password is None else password ) console = bittensor.__console__ with console.status(":key: Decrypting key..."): # NaCl SecretBox decrypt. if keyfile_data_is_encrypted_nacl(keyfile_data): password = bytes(password, "utf-8") kdf = pwhash.argon2i.kdf key = kdf( secret.SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, password, NACL_SALT, opslimit=pwhash.argon2i.OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE, memlimit=pwhash.argon2i.MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE, ) box = secret.SecretBox(key) try: decrypted_keyfile_data = box.decrypt(keyfile_data[len("$NACL") :]) except CryptoError: raise bittensor.KeyFileError("Invalid password") # Ansible decrypt. elif keyfile_data_is_encrypted_ansible(keyfile_data): vault = Vault(password) try: decrypted_keyfile_data = vault.load(keyfile_data) except AnsibleVaultError: raise bittensor.KeyFileError("Invalid password") # Legacy decrypt. elif keyfile_data_is_encrypted_legacy(keyfile_data): __SALT = ( b"Iguesscyborgslikemyselfhaveatendencytobeparanoidaboutourorigins" ) kdf = PBKDF2HMAC( algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), salt=__SALT, length=32, iterations=10000000, backend=default_backend(), ) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(password.encode())) cipher_suite = Fernet(key) decrypted_keyfile_data = cipher_suite.decrypt(keyfile_data) # Unknown. else: raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "keyfile data: {} is corrupt".format(keyfile_data) ) except (InvalidSignature, InvalidKey, InvalidToken): raise bittensor.KeyFileError("Invalid password") if not isinstance(decrypted_keyfile_data, bytes): decrypted_keyfile_data = json.dumps(decrypted_keyfile_data).encode() return decrypted_keyfile_data
[docs] class keyfile: """Defines an interface for a substrate interface keypair stored on device.""" def __init__(self, path: str): self.path = os.path.expanduser(path) = Path(self.path).parent.stem
[docs] def __str__(self): if not self.exists_on_device(): return "keyfile (empty, {})>".format(self.path) if self.is_encrypted(): return "Keyfile ({} encrypted, {})>".format( keyfile_data_encryption_method(self._read_keyfile_data_from_file()), self.path, ) else: return "keyfile (decrypted, {})>".format(self.path)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
@property def keypair(self) -> "bittensor.Keypair": """Returns the keypair from path, decrypts data if the file is encrypted. Returns: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The keypair stored under the path. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, writable, corrupted, or if the password is incorrect. """ return self.get_keypair() @property def data(self) -> bytes: """Returns the keyfile data under path. Returns: keyfile_data (bytes): The keyfile data stored under the path. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, or writable. """ return self._read_keyfile_data_from_file() @property def keyfile_data(self) -> bytes: """Returns the keyfile data under path. Returns: keyfile_data (bytes): The keyfile data stored under the path. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, or writable. """ return self._read_keyfile_data_from_file()
[docs] def set_keypair( self, keypair: "bittensor.Keypair", encrypt: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, password: str = None, ): """Writes the keypair to the file and optionally encrypts data. Args: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The keypair to store under the path. encrypt (bool, optional): If ``True``, encrypts the file under the path. Default is ``True``. overwrite (bool, optional): If ``True``, forces overwrite of the current file. Default is ``False``. password (str, optional): The password used to encrypt the file. If ``None``, asks for user input. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, writable, or if the password is incorrect. """ self.make_dirs() keyfile_data = serialized_keypair_to_keyfile_data(keypair) if encrypt: keyfile_data = bittensor.encrypt_keyfile_data(keyfile_data, password) self._write_keyfile_data_to_file(keyfile_data, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def get_keypair(self, password: str = None) -> "bittensor.Keypair": """Returns the keypair from the path, decrypts data if the file is encrypted. Args: password (str, optional): The password used to decrypt the file. If ``None``, asks for user input. Returns: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The keypair stored under the path. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, writable, corrupted, or if the password is incorrect. """ keyfile_data = self._read_keyfile_data_from_file() if keyfile_data_is_encrypted(keyfile_data): decrypted_keyfile_data = decrypt_keyfile_data( keyfile_data, password, ) else: decrypted_keyfile_data = keyfile_data return deserialize_keypair_from_keyfile_data(decrypted_keyfile_data)
[docs] def make_dirs(self): """Creates directories for the path if they do not exist.""" directory = os.path.dirname(self.path) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
[docs] def exists_on_device(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the file exists on the device. Returns: on_device (bool): ``True`` if the file is on the device. """ if not os.path.isfile(self.path): return False return True
[docs] def is_readable(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the file under path is readable. Returns: readable (bool): ``True`` if the file is readable. """ if not self.exists_on_device(): return False if not os.access(self.path, os.R_OK): return False return True
[docs] def is_writable(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the file under path is writable. Returns: writable (bool): ``True`` if the file is writable. """ if os.access(self.path, os.W_OK): return True return False
[docs] def is_encrypted(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the file under path is encrypted. Returns: encrypted (bool): ``True`` if the file is encrypted. """ if not self.exists_on_device(): return False if not self.is_readable(): return False return keyfile_data_is_encrypted(self._read_keyfile_data_from_file())
[docs] def _may_overwrite(self) -> bool: """Asks the user if it is okay to overwrite the file. Returns: may_overwrite (bool): ``True`` if the user allows overwriting the file. """ choice = input("File {} already exists. Overwrite? (y/N) ".format(self.path)) return choice == "y"
[docs] def check_and_update_encryption( self, print_result: bool = True, no_prompt: bool = False ): """Check the version of keyfile and update if needed. Args: print_result (bool): Print the checking result or not. no_prompt (bool): Skip if no prompt. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exists, is not readable, writable. Returns: result (bool): Return ``True`` if the keyfile is the most updated with nacl, else ``False``. """ if not self.exists_on_device(): if print_result: bittensor.__console__.print(f"Keyfile does not exist. {self.path}") return False if not self.is_readable(): if print_result: bittensor.__console__.print(f"Keyfile is not redable. {self.path}") return False if not self.is_writable(): if print_result: bittensor.__console__.print(f"Keyfile is not writable. {self.path}") return False update_keyfile = False if not no_prompt: keyfile_data = self._read_keyfile_data_from_file() # If the key is not nacl encrypted. if keyfile_data_is_encrypted( keyfile_data ) and not keyfile_data_is_encrypted_nacl(keyfile_data): terminate = False bittensor.__console__.print( f"You may update the keyfile to improve the security for storing your keys.\nWhile the key and the password stays the same, it would require providing your password once.\n:key:{self}\n" ) update_keyfile = Confirm.ask("Update keyfile?") if update_keyfile: stored_mnemonic = False while not stored_mnemonic: bittensor.__console__.print( f"\nPlease make sure you have the mnemonic stored in case an error occurs during the transfer.", style="white on red", ) stored_mnemonic = Confirm.ask("Have you stored the mnemonic?") if not stored_mnemonic and not Confirm.ask( "You must proceed with a stored mnemonic, retry and continue this keyfile update?" ): terminate = True break decrypted_keyfile_data = None while decrypted_keyfile_data == None and not terminate: try: password = getpass.getpass( "\nEnter password to update keyfile: " ) decrypted_keyfile_data = decrypt_keyfile_data( keyfile_data,, password=password ) except KeyFileError: if not Confirm.ask( "Invalid password, retry and continue this keyfile update?" ): terminate = True break if not terminate: encrypted_keyfile_data = encrypt_keyfile_data( decrypted_keyfile_data, password=password ) self._write_keyfile_data_to_file( encrypted_keyfile_data, overwrite=True ) if print_result or update_keyfile: keyfile_data = self._read_keyfile_data_from_file() if not keyfile_data_is_encrypted(keyfile_data): if print_result: bittensor.__console__.print( f"\nKeyfile is not encrypted. \n:key: {self}" ) return False elif keyfile_data_is_encrypted_nacl(keyfile_data): if print_result: bittensor.__console__.print( f"\n:white_heavy_check_mark: Keyfile is updated. \n:key: {self}" ) return True else: if print_result: bittensor.__console__.print( f'\n:cross_mark: Keyfile is outdated, please update with "btcli wallet update" \n:key: {self}' ) return False return False
[docs] def encrypt(self, password: str = None): """Encrypts the file under the path. Args: password (str, optional): The password for encryption. If ``None``, asks for user input. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, or writable. """ if not self.exists_on_device(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} does not exist".format(self.path) ) if not self.is_readable(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} is not readable".format(self.path) ) if not self.is_writable(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} is not writable".format(self.path) ) keyfile_data = self._read_keyfile_data_from_file() if not keyfile_data_is_encrypted(keyfile_data): as_keypair = deserialize_keypair_from_keyfile_data(keyfile_data) keyfile_data = serialized_keypair_to_keyfile_data(as_keypair) keyfile_data = encrypt_keyfile_data(keyfile_data, password) self._write_keyfile_data_to_file(keyfile_data, overwrite=True)
[docs] def decrypt(self, password: str = None): """Decrypts the file under the path. Args: password (str, optional): The password for decryption. If ``None``, asks for user input. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist, is not readable, writable, corrupted, or if the password is incorrect. """ if not self.exists_on_device(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} does not exist".format(self.path) ) if not self.is_readable(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} is not readable".format(self.path) ) if not self.is_writable(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} is not writable".format(self.path) ) keyfile_data = self._read_keyfile_data_from_file() if keyfile_data_is_encrypted(keyfile_data): keyfile_data = decrypt_keyfile_data( keyfile_data, password, ) as_keypair = deserialize_keypair_from_keyfile_data(keyfile_data) keyfile_data = serialized_keypair_to_keyfile_data(as_keypair) self._write_keyfile_data_to_file(keyfile_data, overwrite=True)
[docs] def _read_keyfile_data_from_file(self) -> bytes: """Reads the keyfile data from the file. Returns: keyfile_data (bytes): The keyfile data stored under the path. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file does not exist or is not readable. """ if not self.exists_on_device(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} does not exist".format(self.path) ) if not self.is_readable(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} is not readable".format(self.path) ) with open(self.path, "rb") as file: data = return data
[docs] def _write_keyfile_data_to_file(self, keyfile_data: bytes, overwrite: bool = False): """Writes the keyfile data to the file. Args: keyfile_data (bytes): The byte data to store under the path. overwrite (bool, optional): If ``True``, overwrites the data without asking for permission from the user. Default is ``False``. Raises: KeyFileError: Raised if the file is not writable or the user responds No to the overwrite prompt. """ # Check overwrite. if self.exists_on_device() and not overwrite: if not self._may_overwrite(): raise bittensor.KeyFileError( "Keyfile at: {} is not writable".format(self.path) ) with open(self.path, "wb") as keyfile: keyfile.write(keyfile_data) # Set file permissions. os.chmod(self.path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
[docs] class Mockkeyfile: """ The Mockkeyfile is a mock object representing a keyfile that does not exist on the device. It is designed for use in testing scenarios and simulations where actual filesystem operations are not required. The keypair stored in the Mockkeyfile is treated as non-encrypted and the data is stored as a serialized string. """ def __init__(self, path: str): """ Initializes a Mockkeyfile object. Args: path (str): The path of the mock keyfile. """ self.path = path self._mock_keypair = None self._mock_data = None
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the Mockkeyfile. The representation will indicate if the keyfile is empty, encrypted, or decrypted. Returns: str: The string representation of the Mockkeyfile. """ return f"Mockkeyfile({self.path})"
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the Mockkeyfile, same as :func:`__str__()`. Returns: str: The string representation of the Mockkeyfile. """ return self.__str__()
@property def keypair(self): """ Returns the mock keypair stored in the keyfile. Returns: bittensor.Keypair: The mock keypair. """ return self._mock_keypair @property def data(self): """ Returns the serialized keypair data stored in the keyfile. Returns: bytes: The serialized keypair data. """ return self._mock_data
[docs] def set_keypair(self, keypair, encrypt=True, overwrite=False, password=None): """ Sets the mock keypair in the keyfile. The ``encrypt`` and ``overwrite`` parameters are ignored. Args: keypair (bittensor.Keypair): The mock keypair to be set. encrypt (bool, optional): Ignored in this context. Defaults to ``True``. overwrite (bool, optional): Ignored in this context. Defaults to ``False``. password (str, optional): Ignored in this context. Defaults to ``None``. """ self._mock_keypair = keypair self._mock_data = None # You may need to serialize the keypair here
[docs] def get_keypair(self, password=None): """ Returns the mock keypair stored in the keyfile. The ``password`` parameter is ignored. Args: password (str, optional): Ignored in this context. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: bittensor.Keypair: The mock keypair stored in the keyfile. """ return self._mock_keypair
[docs] def make_dirs(self): """ Creates the directories for the mock keyfile. Does nothing in this class, since no actual filesystem operations are needed. """ pass
[docs] def exists_on_device(self): """ Returns ``True`` indicating that the mock keyfile exists on the device (although it is not created on the actual file system). Returns: bool: Always returns ``True`` for Mockkeyfile. """ return True
[docs] def is_readable(self): """ Returns ``True`` indicating that the mock keyfile is readable (although it is not read from the actual file system). Returns: bool: Always returns ``True`` for Mockkeyfile. """ return True
[docs] def is_writable(self): """ Returns ``True`` indicating that the mock keyfile is writable (although it is not written to the actual file system). Returns: bool: Always returns ``True`` for Mockkeyfile. """ return True
[docs] def is_encrypted(self): """ Returns ``False`` indicating that the mock keyfile is not encrypted. Returns: bool: Always returns ``False`` for Mockkeyfile. """ return False
[docs] def encrypt(self, password=None): """ Raises a ValueError since encryption is not supported for the mock keyfile. Args: password (str, optional): Ignored in this context. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ValueError: Always raises this exception for Mockkeyfile. """ raise ValueError("Cannot encrypt a Mockkeyfile")
[docs] def decrypt(self, password=None): """ Returns without doing anything since the mock keyfile is not encrypted. Args: password (str, optional): Ignored in this context. Defaults to ``None``. """ pass
[docs] def check_and_update_encryption(self, no_prompt=None, print_result=False): return