Source code for bittensor.commands.stake

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright © 2021 Yuma Rao

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
# documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
# the Software.


import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict, Tuple

from rich.prompt import Confirm, Prompt
from rich.table import Table
from rich.console import Console
from rich.text import Text
from tqdm import tqdm

import bittensor
from bittensor.utils.balance import Balance
from .utils import (
from . import defaults  # type: ignore
from ..utils import wallet_utils
from ..utils.formatting import u64_to_float, u16_to_float

console = bittensor.__console__


[docs] def get_netuid( cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor", prompt: bool = True ) -> Tuple[bool, int]: """Retrieve and validate the netuid from the user or configuration.""" console = Console() if not cli.config.is_set("netuid") and prompt: cli.config.netuid = Prompt.ask("Enter netuid") try: cli.config.netuid = int(cli.config.netuid) except ValueError: console.print( "[red]Invalid input. Please enter a valid integer for netuid.[/red]" ) return False, -1 netuid = cli.config.netuid if netuid < 0 or netuid > 65535: console.print( "[red]Invalid input. Please enter a valid integer for netuid in subnet range.[/red]" ) return False, -1 if not subtensor.subnet_exists(netuid=netuid): console.print( "[red]Network with netuid {} does not exist. Please try again.[/red]".format( netuid ) ) return False, -1 return True, netuid
[docs] def get_hotkey(wallet: "bittensor.wallet", config: "bittensor.config") -> str: """Retrieve the hotkey from the wallet or config.""" if wallet and wallet.hotkey: return wallet.hotkey.ss58_address elif config.is_set("hotkey"): return config.hotkey elif config.is_set("ss58"): return config.ss58 else: return Prompt.ask("Enter hotkey (ss58)")
[docs] class StakeCommand: """ Executes the ``add`` command to stake tokens to one or more hotkeys from a user's coldkey on the Bittensor network. This command is used to allocate tokens to different hotkeys, securing their position and influence on the network. Usage: Users can specify the amount to stake, the hotkeys to stake to (either by name or ``SS58`` address), and whether to stake to all hotkeys. The command checks for sufficient balance and hotkey registration before proceeding with the staking process. Optional arguments: - ``--all`` (bool): When set, stakes all available tokens from the coldkey. - ``--uid`` (int): The unique identifier of the neuron to which the stake is to be added. - ``--amount`` (float): The amount of TAO tokens to stake. - ``--max_stake`` (float): Sets the maximum amount of TAO to have staked in each hotkey. - ``--hotkeys`` (list): Specifies hotkeys by name or SS58 address to stake to. - ``--all_hotkeys`` (bool): When set, stakes to all hotkeys associated with the wallet, excluding any specified in --hotkeys. The command prompts for confirmation before executing the staking operation. Example usage:: btcli stake add --amount 100 <my_wallet> --wallet.hotkey <my_hotkey> Note: This command is critical for users who wish to distribute their stakes among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network. It allows for a strategic allocation of tokens to enhance network participation and influence. """
[docs] @staticmethod def run(cli: "bittensor.cli"): r"""Stake token of amount to hotkey(s).""" try: config = cli.config.copy() subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor" = bittensor.subtensor( config=config, log_verbose=False ) StakeCommand._run(cli, subtensor) finally: if "subtensor" in locals(): subtensor.close() bittensor.logging.debug("closing subtensor connection")
[docs] @staticmethod def _run(cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor"): r"""Stake token of amount to hotkey(s).""" config = cli.config.copy() wallet = bittensor.wallet(config=config) # Get the hotkey_names (if any) and the hotkey_ss58s. hotkeys_to_stake_to: List[Tuple[Optional[str], str]] = [] if config.get("all_hotkeys"): # Stake to all hotkeys. all_hotkeys: List[bittensor.wallet] = get_hotkey_wallets_for_wallet( wallet=wallet ) # Get the hotkeys to exclude. (d)efault to no exclusions. hotkeys_to_exclude: List[str] = cli.config.get("hotkeys", d=[]) # Exclude hotkeys that are specified. hotkeys_to_stake_to = [ (wallet.hotkey_str, wallet.hotkey.ss58_address) for wallet in all_hotkeys if wallet.hotkey_str not in hotkeys_to_exclude ] # definitely wallets elif config.get("hotkeys"): # Stake to specific hotkeys. for hotkey_ss58_or_hotkey_name in config.get("hotkeys"): if bittensor.utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey_ss58_or_hotkey_name): # If the hotkey is a valid ss58 address, we add it to the list. hotkeys_to_stake_to.append((None, hotkey_ss58_or_hotkey_name)) else: # If the hotkey is not a valid ss58 address, we assume it is a hotkey name. # We then get the hotkey from the wallet and add it to the list. wallet_ = bittensor.wallet( config=config, hotkey=hotkey_ss58_or_hotkey_name ) hotkeys_to_stake_to.append( (wallet_.hotkey_str, wallet_.hotkey.ss58_address) ) elif config.wallet.get("hotkey"): # Only config.wallet.hotkey is specified. # so we stake to that single hotkey. hotkey_ss58_or_name = config.wallet.get("hotkey") if bittensor.utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey_ss58_or_name): hotkeys_to_stake_to = [(None, hotkey_ss58_or_name)] else: # Hotkey is not a valid ss58 address, so we assume it is a hotkey name. wallet_ = bittensor.wallet(config=config, hotkey=hotkey_ss58_or_name) hotkeys_to_stake_to = [ (wallet_.hotkey_str, wallet_.hotkey.ss58_address) ] else: # Only config.wallet.hotkey is specified. # so we stake to that single hotkey. assert config.wallet.hotkey is not None hotkeys_to_stake_to = [ (None, bittensor.wallet(config=config).hotkey.ss58_address) ] # Get coldkey balance wallet_balance: Balance = subtensor.get_balance(wallet.coldkeypub.ss58_address) final_hotkeys: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] final_amounts: List[Union[float, Balance]] = [] for hotkey in tqdm(hotkeys_to_stake_to): hotkey: Tuple[Optional[str], str] # (hotkey_name (or None), hotkey_ss58) if not subtensor.is_hotkey_registered_any(hotkey_ss58=hotkey[1]): # Hotkey is not registered. if len(hotkeys_to_stake_to) == 1: # Only one hotkey, error bittensor.__console__.print( f"[red]Hotkey [bold]{hotkey[1]}[/bold] is not registered. Aborting.[/red]" ) return None else: # Otherwise, print warning and skip bittensor.__console__.print( f"[yellow]Hotkey [bold]{hotkey[1]}[/bold] is not registered. Skipping.[/yellow]" ) continue stake_amount_tao: float = config.get("amount") if config.get("max_stake"): # Get the current stake of the hotkey from this coldkey. hotkey_stake: Balance = subtensor.get_stake_for_coldkey_and_hotkey( hotkey_ss58=hotkey[1], coldkey_ss58=wallet.coldkeypub.ss58_address ) stake_amount_tao: float = config.get("max_stake") - hotkey_stake.tao # If the max_stake is greater than the current wallet balance, stake the entire balance. stake_amount_tao: float = min(stake_amount_tao, wallet_balance.tao) if ( stake_amount_tao <= 0.00001 ): # Threshold because of fees, might create a loop otherwise # Skip hotkey if max_stake is less than current stake. continue wallet_balance = Balance.from_tao(wallet_balance.tao - stake_amount_tao) if wallet_balance.tao < 0: # No more balance to stake. break final_amounts.append(stake_amount_tao) final_hotkeys.append(hotkey) # add both the name and the ss58 address. if len(final_hotkeys) == 0: # No hotkeys to stake to. bittensor.__console__.print( "Not enough balance to stake to any hotkeys or max_stake is less than current stake." ) return None # Ask to stake if not config.no_prompt: if not Confirm.ask( f"Do you want to stake to the following keys from {}:\n" + "".join( [ f" [bold white]- {hotkey[0] + ':' if hotkey[0] else ''}{hotkey[1]}: {f'{amount} {bittensor.__tao_symbol__}' if amount else 'All'}[/bold white]\n" for hotkey, amount in zip(final_hotkeys, final_amounts) ] ) ): return None if len(final_hotkeys) == 1: # do regular stake return subtensor.add_stake( wallet=wallet, hotkey_ss58=final_hotkeys[0][1], amount=None if config.get("stake_all") else final_amounts[0], wait_for_inclusion=True, prompt=not config.no_prompt, ) subtensor.add_stake_multiple( wallet=wallet, hotkey_ss58s=[hotkey_ss58 for _, hotkey_ss58 in final_hotkeys], amounts=None if config.get("stake_all") else final_amounts, wait_for_inclusion=True, prompt=False, )
[docs] @classmethod def check_config(cls, config: "bittensor.config"): if not config.is_set("") and not config.no_prompt: wallet_name = Prompt.ask("Enter wallet name", = str(wallet_name) if ( not config.is_set("wallet.hotkey") and not config.no_prompt and not config.wallet.get("all_hotkeys") and not config.wallet.get("hotkeys") ): hotkey = Prompt.ask("Enter hotkey name", default=defaults.wallet.hotkey) config.wallet.hotkey = str(hotkey) # Get amount. if ( not config.get("amount") and not config.get("stake_all") and not config.get("max_stake") ): if not Confirm.ask( "Stake all Tao from account: [bold]'{}'[/bold]?".format( config.wallet.get("name", ) ): amount = Prompt.ask("Enter Tao amount to stake") try: config.amount = float(amount) except ValueError: console.print( ":cross_mark:[red]Invalid Tao amount[/red] [bold white]{}[/bold white]".format( amount ) ) sys.exit() else: config.stake_all = True
[docs] @classmethod def add_args(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): stake_parser = parser.add_parser( "add", help="""Add stake to your hotkey accounts from your coldkey.""" ) stake_parser.add_argument("--all", dest="stake_all", action="store_true") stake_parser.add_argument("--uid", dest="uid", type=int, required=False) stake_parser.add_argument("--amount", dest="amount", type=float, required=False) stake_parser.add_argument( "--max_stake", dest="max_stake", type=float, required=False, action="store", default=None, help="""Specify the maximum amount of Tao to have staked in each hotkey.""", ) stake_parser.add_argument( "--hotkeys", "--exclude_hotkeys", "--wallet.hotkeys", "--wallet.exclude_hotkeys", required=False, action="store", default=[], type=str, nargs="*", help="""Specify the hotkeys by name or ss58 address. (e.g. hk1 hk2 hk3)""", ) stake_parser.add_argument( "--all_hotkeys", "--wallet.all_hotkeys", required=False, action="store_true", default=False, help="""To specify all hotkeys. Specifying hotkeys will exclude them from this all.""", ) bittensor.wallet.add_args(stake_parser) bittensor.subtensor.add_args(stake_parser)
[docs] def _get_coldkey_wallets_for_path(path: str) -> List["bittensor.wallet"]: try: wallet_names = next(os.walk(os.path.expanduser(path)))[1] return [bittensor.wallet(path=path, name=name) for name in wallet_names] except StopIteration: # No wallet files found. wallets = [] return wallets
[docs] def _get_hotkey_wallets_for_wallet(wallet) -> List["bittensor.wallet"]: hotkey_wallets = [] hotkeys_path = wallet.path + "/" + + "/hotkeys" try: hotkey_files = next(os.walk(os.path.expanduser(hotkeys_path)))[2] except StopIteration: hotkey_files = [] for hotkey_file_name in hotkey_files: try: hotkey_for_name = bittensor.wallet( path=wallet.path,, hotkey=hotkey_file_name ) if ( hotkey_for_name.hotkey_file.exists_on_device() and not hotkey_for_name.hotkey_file.is_encrypted() ): hotkey_wallets.append(hotkey_for_name) except Exception: pass return hotkey_wallets
[docs] class StakeShow: """ Executes the ``show`` command to list all stake accounts associated with a user's wallet on the Bittensor network. This command provides a comprehensive view of the stakes associated with both hotkeys and delegates linked to the user's coldkey. Usage: The command lists all stake accounts for a specified wallet or all wallets in the user's configuration directory. It displays the coldkey, balance, account details (hotkey/delegate name), stake amount, and the rate of return. Optional arguments: - ``--all`` (bool): When set, the command checks all coldkey wallets instead of just the specified wallet. The command compiles a table showing: - Coldkey: The coldkey associated with the wallet. - Balance: The balance of the coldkey. - Account: The name of the hotkey or delegate. - Stake: The amount of TAO staked to the hotkey or delegate. - Rate: The rate of return on the stake, typically shown in TAO per day. Example usage:: btcli stake show --all Note: This command is essential for users who wish to monitor their stake distribution and returns across various accounts on the Bittensor network. It provides a clear and detailed overview of the user's staking activities. """
[docs] @staticmethod def run(cli: "bittensor.cli"): r"""Show all stake accounts.""" try: subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor" = bittensor.subtensor( config=cli.config, log_verbose=False ) StakeShow._run(cli, subtensor) finally: if "subtensor" in locals(): subtensor.close() bittensor.logging.debug("closing subtensor connection")
[docs] @staticmethod def _run(cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor"): r"""Show all stake accounts.""" if cli.config.get("all", d=False) == True: wallets = _get_coldkey_wallets_for_path(cli.config.wallet.path) else: wallets = [bittensor.wallet(config=cli.config)] registered_delegate_info: Optional[Dict[str, DelegatesDetails]] = ( get_delegates_details(url=bittensor.__delegates_details_url__) ) def get_stake_accounts( wallet, subtensor ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Balance]]]: """Get stake account details for the given wallet. Args: wallet: The wallet object to fetch the stake account details for. Returns: A dictionary mapping SS58 addresses to their respective stake account details. """ wallet_stake_accounts = {} # Get this wallet's coldkey balance. cold_balance = subtensor.get_balance(wallet.coldkeypub.ss58_address) # Populate the stake accounts with local hotkeys data. wallet_stake_accounts.update(get_stakes_from_hotkeys(subtensor, wallet)) # Populate the stake accounts with delegations data. wallet_stake_accounts.update(get_stakes_from_delegates(subtensor, wallet)) return { "name":, "balance": cold_balance, "accounts": wallet_stake_accounts, } def get_stakes_from_hotkeys( subtensor, wallet ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Balance]]]: """Fetch stakes from hotkeys for the provided wallet. Args: wallet: The wallet object to fetch the stakes for. Returns: A dictionary of stakes related to hotkeys. """ hotkeys = get_hotkey_wallets_for_wallet(wallet) stakes = {} for hot in hotkeys: emission = sum( [ n.emission for n in subtensor.get_all_neurons_for_pubkey( hot.hotkey.ss58_address ) ] ) hotkey_stake = subtensor.get_stake_for_coldkey_and_hotkey( hotkey_ss58=hot.hotkey.ss58_address, coldkey_ss58=wallet.coldkeypub.ss58_address, ) stakes[hot.hotkey.ss58_address] = { "name": hot.hotkey_str, "stake": hotkey_stake, "rate": emission, } return stakes def get_stakes_from_delegates( subtensor, wallet ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Balance]]]: """Fetch stakes from delegates for the provided wallet. Args: wallet: The wallet object to fetch the stakes for. Returns: A dictionary of stakes related to delegates. """ delegates = subtensor.get_delegated( coldkey_ss58=wallet.coldkeypub.ss58_address ) stakes = {} for dele, staked in delegates: for nom in dele.nominators: if nom[0] == wallet.coldkeypub.ss58_address: delegate_name = ( registered_delegate_info[dele.hotkey_ss58].name if dele.hotkey_ss58 in registered_delegate_info else dele.hotkey_ss58 ) stakes[dele.hotkey_ss58] = { "name": delegate_name, "stake": nom[1], "rate": dele.total_daily_return.tao * (nom[1] / dele.total_stake.tao), } return stakes def get_all_wallet_accounts( wallets, subtensor, ) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Balance]]]]: """Fetch stake accounts for all provided wallets using a ThreadPool. Args: wallets: List of wallets to fetch the stake accounts for. Returns: A list of dictionaries, each dictionary containing stake account details for each wallet. """ accounts = [] # Create a progress bar using tqdm with tqdm(total=len(wallets), desc="Fetching accounts", ncols=100) as pbar: for wallet in wallets: accounts.append(get_stake_accounts(wallet, subtensor)) pbar.update() return accounts accounts = get_all_wallet_accounts(wallets, subtensor) total_stake = 0 total_balance = 0 total_rate = 0 for acc in accounts: total_balance += acc["balance"].tao for key, value in acc["accounts"].items(): total_stake += value["stake"].tao total_rate += float(value["rate"]) table = Table(show_footer=True, pad_edge=False, box=None, expand=False) table.add_column( "[overline white]Coldkey", footer_style="overline white", style="bold white" ) table.add_column( "[overline white]Balance", "\u03c4{:.5f}".format(total_balance), footer_style="overline white", style="green", ) table.add_column( "[overline white]Account", footer_style="overline white", style="blue" ) table.add_column( "[overline white]Stake", "\u03c4{:.5f}".format(total_stake), footer_style="overline white", style="green", ) table.add_column( "[overline white]Rate", "\u03c4{:.5f}/d".format(total_rate), footer_style="overline white", style="green", ) for acc in accounts: table.add_row(acc["name"], acc["balance"], "", "") for key, value in acc["accounts"].items(): table.add_row( "", "", value["name"], value["stake"], str(value["rate"]) + "/d" ) bittensor.__console__.print(table)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_config(config: "bittensor.config"): if ( not config.get("all", d=None) and not config.is_set("") and not config.no_prompt ): wallet_name = Prompt.ask("Enter wallet name", = str(wallet_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): list_parser = parser.add_parser( "show", help="""List all stake accounts for wallet.""" ) list_parser.add_argument( "--all", action="store_true", help="""Check all coldkey wallets.""", default=False, ) bittensor.wallet.add_args(list_parser) bittensor.subtensor.add_args(list_parser)
[docs] class SetChildKeyTakeCommand: """ Executes the ``set_childkey_take`` command to modify your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller. This command is used to modify your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network. Usage: Users can specify the amount or 'take' for their child hotkeys (``SS58`` address), the user needs to have access to the ss58 hotkey this call, and the take must be between 0 and 18%. The command prompts for confirmation before executing the set_childkey_take operation. Example usage:: btcli stake set_childkey_take --hotkey <childkey> --netuid 1 --take 0.18 """
[docs] @staticmethod def run(cli: "bittensor.cli"): """Set childkey take.""" try: subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor" = bittensor.subtensor( config=cli.config, log_verbose=False ) SetChildKeyTakeCommand._run(cli, subtensor) finally: if "subtensor" in locals(): subtensor.close() bittensor.logging.debug("closing subtensor connection")
[docs] @staticmethod def _run(cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor"): console = Console() wallet = bittensor.wallet(config=cli.config) # Get values if not set. exists, netuid = get_netuid(cli, subtensor) if not exists: return # get parent hotkey hotkey = get_hotkey(wallet, cli.config) if not wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey): console.print(f":cross_mark:[red] Invalid SS58 address: {hotkey}[/red]") return if not cli.config.is_set("take"): cli.config.take = Prompt.ask( "Enter the percentage of take for your child hotkey (between 0 and 0.18 representing 0-18%)" ) # extract take from cli input try: take = float(cli.config.take) except ValueError: print( ":cross_mark:[red]Take must be a float value using characters between 0 and 9.[/red]" ) return if take < 0 or take > 0.18: console.print( f":cross_mark:[red]Invalid take: Childkey Take must be between 0 and 0.18 (representing 0% to 18%). Proposed take is {take}.[/red]" ) return success, message = subtensor.set_childkey_take( wallet=wallet, netuid=netuid, hotkey=hotkey, take=take, wait_for_inclusion=cli.config.wait_for_inclusion, wait_for_finalization=cli.config.wait_for_finalization, prompt=cli.config.prompt, ) # Result if success: console.print(":white_heavy_check_mark: [green]Set childkey take.[/green]") console.print( f"The childkey take for {hotkey} is now set to {take * 100:.3f}%." ) else: console.print( f":cross_mark:[red] Unable to set childkey take.[/red] {message}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_config(config: "bittensor.config"): if not config.is_set("") and not config.no_prompt: wallet_name = Prompt.ask("Enter wallet name", = str(wallet_name) if not config.is_set("wallet.hotkey") and not config.no_prompt: hotkey_or_ss58 = Prompt.ask( "Enter hotkey name or ss58", default=defaults.wallet.hotkey ) if wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey_or_ss58): config.ss58 = str(hotkey_or_ss58) else: config.wallet.hotkey = str(hotkey_or_ss58)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): set_childkey_take_parser = parser.add_parser( "set_childkey_take", help="""Set childkey take.""" ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--netuid", dest="netuid", type=int, required=False ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--hotkey", dest="hotkey", type=str, required=False ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--take", dest="take", type=float, required=False ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--wait_for_inclusion", dest="wait_for_inclusion", action="store_true", default=True, help="""Wait for the transaction to be included in a block.""", ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--wait_for_finalization", dest="wait_for_finalization", action="store_true", default=True, help="""Wait for the transaction to be finalized.""", ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--prompt", dest="prompt", action="store_true", default=True, help="""Prompt for confirmation before proceeding.""", ) set_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--y", "--yes", "--no_prompt", dest="prompt", action="store_false", help="""Disable prompt for confirmation before proceeding. Defaults to Yes for all prompts.""", ) bittensor.wallet.add_args(set_childkey_take_parser) bittensor.subtensor.add_args(set_childkey_take_parser)
[docs] class GetChildKeyTakeCommand: """ Executes the ``get_childkey_take`` command to get your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller. This command is used to get your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network. Usage: Users can get the amount or 'take' for their child hotkeys (``SS58`` address) Example usage:: btcli stake get_childkey_take --hotkey <childkey> --netuid 1 """
[docs] @staticmethod def run(cli: "bittensor.cli"): """Get childkey take.""" try: subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor" = bittensor.subtensor( config=cli.config, log_verbose=False ) GetChildKeyTakeCommand._run(cli, subtensor) finally: if "subtensor" in locals(): subtensor.close() bittensor.logging.debug("closing subtensor connection")
[docs] @staticmethod def _run(cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor"): console = Console() wallet = bittensor.wallet(config=cli.config) # Get values if not set. exists, netuid = get_netuid(cli, subtensor) if not exists: return # get parent hotkey hotkey = get_hotkey(wallet, cli.config) if not wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey): console.print(f":cross_mark:[red] Invalid SS58 address: {hotkey}[/red]") return take_u16 = subtensor.get_childkey_take( netuid=netuid, hotkey=hotkey, ) # Result if take_u16: take = u16_to_float(take_u16) console.print(f"The childkey take for {hotkey} is {take * 100:.3f}%.") else: console.print(":cross_mark:[red] Unable to get childkey take.[/red]")
[docs] @staticmethod def check_config(config: "bittensor.config"): if not config.is_set("") and not config.no_prompt: wallet_name = Prompt.ask("Enter wallet name", = str(wallet_name) if not config.is_set("wallet.hotkey") and not config.no_prompt: hotkey_or_ss58 = Prompt.ask( "Enter hotkey name or ss58", default=defaults.wallet.hotkey ) if wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey_or_ss58): config.ss58 = str(hotkey_or_ss58) else: config.wallet.hotkey = str(hotkey_or_ss58)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): get_childkey_take_parser = parser.add_parser( "get_childkey_take", help="""Get childkey take.""" ) get_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--netuid", dest="netuid", type=int, required=False ) get_childkey_take_parser.add_argument( "--hotkey", dest="hotkey", type=str, required=False ) bittensor.wallet.add_args(get_childkey_take_parser) bittensor.subtensor.add_args(get_childkey_take_parser)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_take(subtensor, hotkey, netuid) -> float: """ Get the take value for a given subtensor, hotkey, and netuid. @param subtensor: The subtensor object. @param hotkey: The hotkey to retrieve the take value for. @param netuid: The netuid to retrieve the take value for. @return: The take value as a float. If the take value is not available, it returns 0. """ take_u16 = subtensor.get_childkey_take( netuid=netuid, hotkey=hotkey, ) if take_u16: return u16_to_float(take_u16) else: return 0
[docs] class SetChildrenCommand: """ Executes the ``set_children`` command to add children hotkeys on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller. This command is used to delegate authority to different hotkeys, securing their position and influence on the subnet. Usage: Users can specify the amount or 'proportion' to delegate to child hotkeys (``SS58`` address), the user needs to have sufficient authority to make this call, and the sum of proportions must equal 1, representing 100% of the proportion allocation. The command prompts for confirmation before executing the set_children operation. Example usage:: btcli stake set_children --children <child_hotkey>,<child_hotkey> --hotkey <parent_hotkey> --netuid 1 --proportions 0.4,0.6 Note: This command is critical for users who wish to delegate children hotkeys among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network. It allows for a strategic allocation of authority to enhance network participation and influence. """
[docs] @staticmethod def run(cli: "bittensor.cli"): """Set children hotkeys.""" try: subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor" = bittensor.subtensor( config=cli.config, log_verbose=False ) SetChildrenCommand._run(cli, subtensor) finally: if "subtensor" in locals(): subtensor.close() bittensor.logging.debug("closing subtensor connection")
[docs] @staticmethod def _run(cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor"): console = Console() wallet = bittensor.wallet(config=cli.config) # Get values if not set. exists, netuid = get_netuid(cli, subtensor) if not exists: return # get parent hotkey hotkey = get_hotkey(wallet, cli.config) if not wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey): console.print(f":cross_mark:[red] Invalid SS58 address: {hotkey}[/red]") return # get current children curr_children = GetChildrenCommand.retrieve_children( subtensor=subtensor, hotkey=hotkey, netuid=netuid, render_table=False, ) if curr_children: # print the table of current children hotkey_stake = subtensor.get_total_stake_for_hotkey(hotkey) GetChildrenCommand.render_table( subtensor=subtensor, hotkey=hotkey, hotkey_stake=hotkey_stake, children=curr_children, netuid=netuid, prompt=False, ) # get new children if not cli.config.is_set("children"): cli.config.children = Prompt.ask( "Enter child hotkeys (ss58) as comma-separated values" ) proposed_children = [str(x) for x in re.split(r"[ ,]+", cli.config.children)] # Set max 5 children if len(proposed_children) > MAX_CHILDREN: console.print( ":cross_mark:[red] Too many children. Maximum 5 children per hotkey[/red]" ) return # Validate children SS58 addresses for child in proposed_children: if not wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(child): console.print(f":cross_mark:[red] Invalid SS58 address: {child}[/red]") return # get proportions for new children if not cli.config.is_set("proportions"): cli.config.proportions = Prompt.ask( "Enter the percentage of proportion for each child as comma-separated values (total from all children must be less than or equal to 1)" ) # extract proportions and child addresses from cli input proportions = [ float(x) for x in re.split(r"[ ,]+", str(cli.config.proportions)) ] total_proposed = sum(proportions) if total_proposed > 1: console.print( f":cross_mark:[red]Invalid proportion: The sum of all proportions must be less or equal to than 1 (representing 100% of the allocation). Proposed sum addition is proportions is {total_proposed}.[/red]" ) return if len(proportions) != len(proposed_children): console.print( ":cross_mark:[red]Invalid proportion and children length: The count of children and number of proportion values entered do not match.[/red]" ) return # combine proposed and current children children_with_proportions = list(zip(proportions, proposed_children)) SetChildrenCommand.print_current_stake( subtensor=subtensor, children=proposed_children, hotkey=hotkey ) success, message = subtensor.set_children( wallet=wallet, netuid=netuid, hotkey=hotkey, children_with_proportions=children_with_proportions, wait_for_inclusion=cli.config.wait_for_inclusion, wait_for_finalization=cli.config.wait_for_finalization, prompt=cli.config.prompt, ) # Result if success: if cli.config.wait_for_finalization and cli.config.wait_for_inclusion: console.print("New Status:") GetChildrenCommand.retrieve_children( subtensor=subtensor, hotkey=hotkey, netuid=netuid, render_table=True, ) console.print( ":white_heavy_check_mark: [green]Set children hotkeys.[/green]" ) else: console.print( f":cross_mark:[red] Unable to set children hotkeys.[/red] {message}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_config(config: "bittensor.config"): if not config.is_set("") and not config.no_prompt: wallet_name = Prompt.ask("Enter wallet name", = str(wallet_name) if not config.is_set("wallet.hotkey") and not config.no_prompt: hotkey_or_ss58 = Prompt.ask( "Enter hotkey name or ss58", default=defaults.wallet.hotkey ) if wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey_or_ss58): config.ss58 = str(hotkey_or_ss58) else: config.wallet.hotkey = str(hotkey_or_ss58)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): set_children_parser = parser.add_parser( "set_children", help="""Set multiple children hotkeys.""" ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--netuid", dest="netuid", type=int, required=False ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--children", dest="children", type=str, required=False ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--hotkey", dest="hotkey", type=str, required=False ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--proportions", dest="proportions", type=str, required=False ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--wait_for_inclusion", dest="wait_for_inclusion", action="store_true", default=True, help="""Wait for the transaction to be included in a block.""", ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--wait_for_finalization", dest="wait_for_finalization", action="store_true", default=True, help="""Wait for the transaction to be finalized.""", ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--prompt", dest="prompt", action="store_true", default=True, help="""Prompt for confirmation before proceeding.""", ) set_children_parser.add_argument( "--y", "--yes", "--no_prompt", dest="prompt", action="store_false", help="""Disable prompt for confirmation before proceeding. Defaults to Yes for all prompts.""", ) bittensor.wallet.add_args(set_children_parser) bittensor.subtensor.add_args(set_children_parser)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_current_stake(subtensor, children, hotkey): console = Console() parent_stake = subtensor.get_total_stake_for_hotkey(ss58_address=hotkey) console.print("Current Status:") console.print(f"My Hotkey: {hotkey} | ", style="cyan", end="", no_wrap=True) console.print(f"Total Stake: {parent_stake}τ") for child in children: child_stake = subtensor.get_total_stake_for_hotkey(child) console.print( f"Child Hotkey: {child} | Current Child Stake: {child_stake}τ" )
[docs] class GetChildrenCommand: """ Executes the ``get_children_info`` command to get all child hotkeys on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network. This command is used to view delegated authority to different hotkeys on the subnet. Usage: Users can specify the subnet and see the children and the proportion that is given to them. The command compiles a table showing: - ChildHotkey: The hotkey associated with the child. - ParentHotKey: The hotkey associated with the parent. - Proportion: The proportion that is assigned to them. - Expiration: The expiration of the hotkey. Example usage:: btcli stake get_children --netuid 1 Note: This command is for users who wish to see child hotkeys among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network. """
[docs] @staticmethod def run(cli: "bittensor.cli"): """Get children hotkeys.""" try: subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor" = bittensor.subtensor( config=cli.config, log_verbose=False ) return GetChildrenCommand._run(cli, subtensor) except Exception as e: console = Console() console.print(f":cross_mark:[red] An error occurred: {str(e)}[/red]") finally: if "subtensor" in locals(): subtensor.close() bittensor.logging.debug("closing subtensor connection")
[docs] @staticmethod def _run(cli: "bittensor.cli", subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor"): console = Console() wallet = bittensor.wallet(config=cli.config) # check all if cli.config.is_set("all"): cli.config.netuid = None cli.config.all = True elif cli.config.is_set("netuid"): if cli.config.netuid == "all": cli.config.all = True else: cli.config.netuid = int(cli.config.netuid) exists, netuid = get_netuid(cli, subtensor) if not exists: return else: netuid_input = Prompt.ask("Enter netuid or 'all'", default="all") if netuid_input == "all": cli.config.netuid = None cli.config.all = True else: cli.config.netuid = int(netuid_input) exists, netuid = get_netuid(cli, subtensor, False) if not exists: return # get parent hotkey hotkey = get_hotkey(wallet, cli.config) if not wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey): console.print(f":cross_mark:[red] Invalid SS58 address: {hotkey}[/red]") return try: netuids = subtensor.get_all_subnet_netuids() if cli.config.all else [netuid] hotkey_stake = GetChildrenCommand.get_parent_stake_info( console, subtensor, hotkey ) for netuid in netuids: children = subtensor.get_children(hotkey, netuid) if children: GetChildrenCommand.render_table( subtensor, hotkey, hotkey_stake, children, netuid, not cli.config.is_set("all"), ) except Exception as e: console.print( f":cross_mark:[red] An error occurred while retrieving children: {str(e)}[/red]" ) return return children
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parent_stake_info(console, subtensor, hotkey): hotkey_stake = subtensor.get_total_stake_for_hotkey(hotkey) console.print( f"\nYour Hotkey: {hotkey} | ", style="cyan", end="", no_wrap=True ) console.print(f"Total Stake: {hotkey_stake}τ") return hotkey_stake
[docs] @staticmethod def retrieve_children( subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor", hotkey: str, netuid: int, render_table: bool ) -> list[tuple[int, str]]: """ Static method to retrieve children for a given subtensor. Args: subtensor (bittensor.subtensor): The subtensor object used to interact with the Bittensor network. hotkey (str): The hotkey of the parent. netuid (int): The network unique identifier of the subtensor. render_table (bool): Flag indicating whether to render the retrieved children in a table. Returns: List[str]: A list of children hotkeys. """ try: children = subtensor.get_children(hotkey, netuid) if render_table: hotkey_stake = subtensor.get_total_stake_for_hotkey(hotkey) GetChildrenCommand.render_table( subtensor, hotkey, hotkey_stake, children, netuid, False ) return children except Exception as e: console = Console() console.print( f":cross_mark:[red] An error occurred while retrieving children: {str(e)}[/red]" ) return []
[docs] @staticmethod def check_config(config: "bittensor.config"): if not config.is_set("") and not config.no_prompt: wallet_name = Prompt.ask("Enter wallet name", = str(wallet_name) if not config.is_set("wallet.hotkey") and not config.no_prompt: hotkey_or_ss58 = Prompt.ask( "Enter hotkey name or ss58", default=defaults.wallet.hotkey ) if wallet_utils.is_valid_ss58_address(hotkey_or_ss58): config.ss58 = str(hotkey_or_ss58) else: config.wallet.hotkey = str(hotkey_or_ss58)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): parser = parser.add_parser( "get_children", help="""Get child hotkeys on subnet.""" ) parser.add_argument("--netuid", dest="netuid", type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument("--hotkey", dest="hotkey", type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument( "--all", dest="all", action="store_true", help="Retrieve children from all subnets.", ) bittensor.wallet.add_args(parser) bittensor.subtensor.add_args(parser)
[docs] @staticmethod def render_table( subtensor: "bittensor.subtensor", hotkey: str, hotkey_stake: "Balance", children: list[Tuple[int, str]], netuid: int, prompt: bool, ): """ Render a table displaying information about child hotkeys on a particular subnet. Parameters: - subtensor: An instance of the "bittensor.subtensor" class. - hotkey: The hotkey of the parent node. - children: A list of tuples containing information about child hotkeys. Each tuple should contain: - The proportion of the child's stake relative to the total stake. - The hotkey of the child node. - netuid: The ID of the subnet. - prompt: A boolean indicating whether to display a prompt for adding a child hotkey. Returns: None Example Usage: subtensor = bittensor.subtensor_instance hotkey = "parent_hotkey" children = [(0.5, "child1_hotkey"), (0.3, "child2_hotkey"), (0.2, "child3_hotkey")] netuid = 1234 prompt = True render_table(subtensor, hotkey, children, netuid, prompt) """ console = Console() # Initialize Rich table for pretty printing table = Table( show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta", border_style="blue", style="dim", ) # Add columns to the table with specific styles table.add_column("Index", style="bold yellow", no_wrap=True, justify="center") table.add_column("Child Hotkey", style="bold green") table.add_column("Proportion", style="bold cyan", no_wrap=True, justify="right") table.add_column( "Childkey Take", style="bold blue", no_wrap=True, justify="right" ) table.add_column( "Current Stake Weight", style="bold red", no_wrap=True, justify="right" ) if not children: console.print(table) console.print( f"[bold white]There are currently no child hotkeys on subnet {netuid} with Parent HotKey {hotkey}.[/bold white]" ) if prompt: command = f"btcli stake set_children --children <child_hotkey> --hotkey <parent_hotkey> --netuid {netuid} --proportion <float>" console.print( f"[bold cyan]To add a child hotkey you can run the command: [white]{command}[/white][/bold cyan]" ) return console.print(f"\nChildren for netuid: {netuid} ", style="cyan") # calculate totals total_proportion = 0 total_stake = 0 total_stake_weight = 0 avg_take = 0 children_info = [] for child in children: proportion = child[0] child_hotkey = child[1] child_stake = subtensor.get_total_stake_for_hotkey( ss58_address=child_hotkey ) or Balance(0) child_take = subtensor.get_childkey_take(child_hotkey, netuid) child_take = u16_to_float(child_take) # add to totals total_stake += child_stake.tao avg_take += child_take proportion = u64_to_float(proportion) children_info.append((proportion, child_hotkey, child_stake, child_take)) children_info.sort( key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True ) # sorting by proportion (highest first) # add the children info to the table for i, (proportion, hotkey, stake, child_take) in enumerate(children_info, 1): proportion_percent = proportion * 100 # Proportion in percent proportion_tao = hotkey_stake.tao * proportion # Proportion in TAO total_proportion += proportion_percent # Conditionally format text proportion_str = f"{proportion_percent:.3f}% ({proportion_tao:.3f}τ)" stake_weight = stake.tao + proportion_tao total_stake_weight += stake_weight take_str = f"{child_take * 100:.3f}%" hotkey = Text(hotkey, style="italic red" if proportion == 0 else "") table.add_row( str(i), hotkey, proportion_str, take_str, str(f"{stake_weight:.3f}"), ) avg_take = avg_take / len(children_info) # add totals row table.add_row( "", "[dim]Total[/dim]", f"[dim]{total_proportion:.3f}%[/dim]", f"[dim](avg) {avg_take * 100:.3f}%[/dim]", f"[dim]{total_stake_weight:.3f}τ[/dim]", style="dim", ) console.print(table)