Source code for bittensor.chain_data

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright © 2023 Opentensor Foundation
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
# documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
# the Software.

This module provides data structures and functions for working with the Bittensor network,
including neuron and subnet information, SCALE encoding/decoding, and custom RPC type registry.

import json
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Any, TypedDict, Union

from scalecodec.base import RuntimeConfiguration, ScaleBytes
from scalecodec.type_registry import load_type_registry_preset
from scalecodec.types import GenericCall
from scalecodec.utils.ss58 import ss58_encode

import bittensor
from .utils import networking as net, RAOPERTAO, U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT
from .utils.balance import Balance
from .utils.registration import torch, use_torch

custom_rpc_type_registry = {
    "types": {
        "SubnetInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["netuid", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["rho", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["kappa", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["immunity_period", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["max_allowed_validators", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["min_allowed_weights", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["max_weights_limit", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["scaling_law_power", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["subnetwork_n", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["max_allowed_uids", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["blocks_since_last_step", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["tempo", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["network_modality", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["network_connect", "Vec<[u16; 2]>"],
                ["emission_values", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["burn", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["owner", "AccountId"],
        "DelegateInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["delegate_ss58", "AccountId"],
                ["take", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["nominators", "Vec<(AccountId, Compact<u64>)>"],
                ["owner_ss58", "AccountId"],
                ["registrations", "Vec<Compact<u16>>"],
                ["validator_permits", "Vec<Compact<u16>>"],
                ["return_per_1000", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["total_daily_return", "Compact<u64>"],
        "NeuronInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["hotkey", "AccountId"],
                ["coldkey", "AccountId"],
                ["uid", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["netuid", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["active", "bool"],
                ["axon_info", "axon_info"],
                ["prometheus_info", "PrometheusInfo"],
                ["stake", "Vec<(AccountId, Compact<u64>)>"],
                ["rank", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["emission", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["incentive", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["consensus", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["trust", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["validator_trust", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["dividends", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["last_update", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["validator_permit", "bool"],
                ["weights", "Vec<(Compact<u16>, Compact<u16>)>"],
                ["bonds", "Vec<(Compact<u16>, Compact<u16>)>"],
                ["pruning_score", "Compact<u16>"],
        "NeuronInfoLite": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["hotkey", "AccountId"],
                ["coldkey", "AccountId"],
                ["uid", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["netuid", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["active", "bool"],
                ["axon_info", "axon_info"],
                ["prometheus_info", "PrometheusInfo"],
                ["stake", "Vec<(AccountId, Compact<u64>)>"],
                ["rank", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["emission", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["incentive", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["consensus", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["trust", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["validator_trust", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["dividends", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["last_update", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["validator_permit", "bool"],
                ["pruning_score", "Compact<u16>"],
        "axon_info": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["block", "u64"],
                ["version", "u32"],
                ["ip", "u128"],
                ["port", "u16"],
                ["ip_type", "u8"],
                ["protocol", "u8"],
                ["placeholder1", "u8"],
                ["placeholder2", "u8"],
        "PrometheusInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["block", "u64"],
                ["version", "u32"],
                ["ip", "u128"],
                ["port", "u16"],
                ["ip_type", "u8"],
        "IPInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["ip", "Compact<u128>"],
                ["ip_type_and_protocol", "Compact<u8>"],
        "StakeInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["hotkey", "AccountId"],
                ["coldkey", "AccountId"],
                ["stake", "Compact<u64>"],
        "SubnetHyperparameters": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["rho", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["kappa", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["immunity_period", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["min_allowed_weights", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["max_weights_limit", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["tempo", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["min_difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["max_difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["weights_version", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["weights_rate_limit", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["adjustment_interval", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["activity_cutoff", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["registration_allowed", "bool"],
                ["target_regs_per_interval", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["min_burn", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["max_burn", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["bonds_moving_avg", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["max_regs_per_block", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["serving_rate_limit", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["max_validators", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["adjustment_alpha", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["commit_reveal_weights_interval", "Compact<u64>"],
                ["commit_reveal_weights_enabled", "bool"],
                ["alpha_high", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["alpha_low", "Compact<u16>"],
                ["liquid_alpha_enabled", "bool"],
        "ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo": {
            "type": "struct",
            "type_mapping": [
                ["old_coldkey", "AccountId"],
                ["new_coldkey", "AccountId"],
                ["arbitration_block", "Compact<u64>"],

[docs] @dataclass class AxonInfo: version: int ip: str port: int ip_type: int hotkey: str coldkey: str protocol: int = 4 placeholder1: int = 0 placeholder2: int = 0 @property def is_serving(self) -> bool: """True if the endpoint is serving.""" return self.ip != ""
[docs] def ip_str(self) -> str: """Return the whole IP as string""" return net.ip__str__(self.ip_type, self.ip, self.port)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: "AxonInfo"): if other is None: return False if ( self.version == other.version and self.ip == other.ip and self.port == other.port and self.ip_type == other.ip_type and self.coldkey == other.coldkey and self.hotkey == other.hotkey ): return True return False
[docs] def __str__(self): return "AxonInfo( {}, {}, {}, {} )".format( str(self.ip_str()), str(self.hotkey), str(self.coldkey), self.version )
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """Converts the AxonInfo object to a string representation using JSON.""" try: return json.dumps(asdict(self)) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: bittensor.logging.error(f"Error converting AxonInfo to string: {e}") return AxonInfo(0, "", 0, 0, "", "").to_string()
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, json_string: str) -> "AxonInfo": """ Creates an AxonInfo object from its string representation using JSON. Args: json_string (str): The JSON string representation of the AxonInfo object. Returns: AxonInfo: An instance of AxonInfo created from the JSON string. If decoding fails, returns a default AxonInfo object with default values. Raises: json.JSONDecodeError: If there is an error in decoding the JSON string. TypeError: If there is a type error when creating the AxonInfo object. ValueError: If there is a value error when creating the AxonInfo object. """ try: data = json.loads(json_string) return cls(**data) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: bittensor.logging.error(f"Error decoding JSON: {e}") except TypeError as e: bittensor.logging.error(f"Type error: {e}") except ValueError as e: bittensor.logging.error(f"Value error: {e}") return AxonInfo(0, "", 0, 0, "", "")
[docs] @classmethod def from_neuron_info(cls, neuron_info: dict) -> "AxonInfo": """ Converts a dictionary to an AxonInfo object. Args: neuron_info (dict): A dictionary containing the neuron information. Returns: instance (AxonInfo): An instance of AxonInfo created from the dictionary. """ return cls( version=neuron_info["axon_info"]["version"], ip=net.int_to_ip(int(neuron_info["axon_info"]["ip"])), port=neuron_info["axon_info"]["port"], ip_type=neuron_info["axon_info"]["ip_type"], hotkey=neuron_info["hotkey"], coldkey=neuron_info["coldkey"], )
[docs] def to_parameter_dict( self, ) -> Union[dict[str, Union[int, str]], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"]: """Returns a torch tensor or dict of the subnet info, depending on the USE_TORCH flag set.""" if use_torch(): return torch.nn.ParameterDict(self.__dict__) else: return self.__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameter_dict( cls, parameter_dict: Union[dict[str, Any], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"] ) -> "AxonInfo": """Returns an axon_info object from a torch parameter_dict or a parameter dict.""" if use_torch(): return cls(**dict(parameter_dict)) else: return cls(**parameter_dict)
[docs] class ChainDataType(Enum): NeuronInfo = 1 SubnetInfo = 2 DelegateInfo = 3 NeuronInfoLite = 4 DelegatedInfo = 5 StakeInfo = 6 IPInfo = 7 SubnetHyperparameters = 8 ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo = 9
[docs] def from_scale_encoding( input_: Union[List[int], bytes, ScaleBytes], type_name: ChainDataType, is_vec: bool = False, is_option: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Dict]: """ Decodes input_ data from SCALE encoding based on the specified type name and modifiers. Args: input_ (Union[List[int], bytes, ScaleBytes]): The input_ data to decode. type_name (ChainDataType): The type of data being decoded. is_vec (bool, optional): Whether the data is a vector of the specified type. Default is ``False``. is_option (bool, optional): Whether the data is an optional value of the specified type. Default is ``False``. Returns: Optional[Dict]: The decoded data as a dictionary, or ``None`` if the decoding fails. """ type_string = if type_name == ChainDataType.DelegatedInfo: # DelegatedInfo is a tuple of (DelegateInfo, Compact<u64>) type_string = f"({}, Compact<u64>)" if is_option: type_string = f"Option<{type_string}>" if is_vec: type_string = f"Vec<{type_string}>" return from_scale_encoding_using_type_string(input_, type_string)
[docs] def from_scale_encoding_using_type_string( input_: Union[List[int], bytes, ScaleBytes], type_string: str ) -> Optional[Dict]: if isinstance(input_, ScaleBytes): as_scale_bytes = input_ else: if isinstance(input_, list) and all([isinstance(i, int) for i in input_]): vec_u8 = input_ as_bytes = bytes(vec_u8) elif isinstance(input_, bytes): as_bytes = input_ else: raise TypeError("input_ must be a List[int], bytes, or ScaleBytes") as_scale_bytes = ScaleBytes(as_bytes) rpc_runtime_config = RuntimeConfiguration() rpc_runtime_config.update_type_registry(load_type_registry_preset("legacy")) rpc_runtime_config.update_type_registry(custom_rpc_type_registry) obj = rpc_runtime_config.create_scale_object(type_string, data=as_scale_bytes) return obj.decode()
# Dataclasses for chain data.
[docs] @dataclass class NeuronInfo: """Dataclass for neuron metadata.""" hotkey: str coldkey: str uid: int netuid: int active: int stake: Balance # mapping of coldkey to amount staked to this Neuron stake_dict: Dict[str, Balance] total_stake: Balance rank: float emission: float incentive: float consensus: float trust: float validator_trust: float dividends: float last_update: int validator_permit: bool weights: List[List[int]] bonds: List[List[int]] pruning_score: int prometheus_info: Optional["PrometheusInfo"] = None axon_info: Optional[AxonInfo] = None is_null: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, neuron_info_decoded: Any) -> "NeuronInfo": """Fixes the values of the NeuronInfo object.""" neuron_info_decoded["hotkey"] = ss58_encode( neuron_info_decoded["hotkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) neuron_info_decoded["coldkey"] = ss58_encode( neuron_info_decoded["coldkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) stake_dict = { ss58_encode(coldkey, bittensor.__ss58_format__): Balance.from_rao( int(stake) ) for coldkey, stake in neuron_info_decoded["stake"] } neuron_info_decoded["stake_dict"] = stake_dict neuron_info_decoded["stake"] = sum(stake_dict.values()) neuron_info_decoded["total_stake"] = neuron_info_decoded["stake"] neuron_info_decoded["weights"] = [ [int(weight[0]), int(weight[1])] for weight in neuron_info_decoded["weights"] ] neuron_info_decoded["bonds"] = [ [int(bond[0]), int(bond[1])] for bond in neuron_info_decoded["bonds"] ] neuron_info_decoded["rank"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT(neuron_info_decoded["rank"]) neuron_info_decoded["emission"] = neuron_info_decoded["emission"] / RAOPERTAO neuron_info_decoded["incentive"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["incentive"] ) neuron_info_decoded["consensus"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["consensus"] ) neuron_info_decoded["trust"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["trust"] ) neuron_info_decoded["validator_trust"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["validator_trust"] ) neuron_info_decoded["dividends"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["dividends"] ) neuron_info_decoded["prometheus_info"] = PrometheusInfo.fix_decoded_values( neuron_info_decoded["prometheus_info"] ) neuron_info_decoded["axon_info"] = AxonInfo.from_neuron_info( neuron_info_decoded ) return cls(**neuron_info_decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> "NeuronInfo": """Returns a NeuronInfo object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return NeuronInfo.get_null_neuron() decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.NeuronInfo) if decoded is None: return NeuronInfo.get_null_neuron() return NeuronInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["NeuronInfo"]: """Returns a list of NeuronInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``""" decoded_list = from_scale_encoding( vec_u8, ChainDataType.NeuronInfo, is_vec=True ) if decoded_list is None: return [] decoded_list = [ NeuronInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded) for decoded in decoded_list ] return decoded_list
[docs] @staticmethod def get_null_neuron() -> "NeuronInfo": neuron = NeuronInfo( uid=0, netuid=0, active=0, stake=Balance.from_rao(0), stake_dict={}, total_stake=Balance.from_rao(0), rank=0, emission=0, incentive=0, consensus=0, trust=0, validator_trust=0, dividends=0, last_update=0, validator_permit=False, weights=[], bonds=[], prometheus_info=None, axon_info=None, is_null=True, coldkey="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", hotkey="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", pruning_score=0, ) return neuron
[docs] @classmethod def from_weights_bonds_and_neuron_lite( cls, neuron_lite: "NeuronInfoLite", weights_as_dict: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]], bonds_as_dict: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]], ) -> "NeuronInfo": n_dict = neuron_lite.__dict__ n_dict["weights"] = weights_as_dict.get(neuron_lite.uid, []) n_dict["bonds"] = bonds_as_dict.get(neuron_lite.uid, []) return cls(**n_dict)
[docs] @dataclass class NeuronInfoLite: """Dataclass for neuron metadata, but without the weights and bonds.""" hotkey: str coldkey: str uid: int netuid: int active: int stake: Balance # mapping of coldkey to amount staked to this Neuron stake_dict: Dict[str, Balance] total_stake: Balance rank: float emission: float incentive: float consensus: float trust: float validator_trust: float dividends: float last_update: int validator_permit: bool prometheus_info: Optional["PrometheusInfo"] axon_info: "axon_info" pruning_score: int is_null: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, neuron_info_decoded: Any) -> "NeuronInfoLite": """Fixes the values of the NeuronInfoLite object.""" neuron_info_decoded["hotkey"] = ss58_encode( neuron_info_decoded["hotkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) neuron_info_decoded["coldkey"] = ss58_encode( neuron_info_decoded["coldkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__ ) stake_dict = { ss58_encode(coldkey, bittensor.__ss58_format__): Balance.from_rao( int(stake) ) for coldkey, stake in neuron_info_decoded["stake"] } neuron_info_decoded["stake_dict"] = stake_dict neuron_info_decoded["stake"] = sum(stake_dict.values()) neuron_info_decoded["total_stake"] = neuron_info_decoded["stake"] neuron_info_decoded["rank"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT(neuron_info_decoded["rank"]) neuron_info_decoded["emission"] = neuron_info_decoded["emission"] / RAOPERTAO neuron_info_decoded["incentive"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["incentive"] ) neuron_info_decoded["consensus"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["consensus"] ) neuron_info_decoded["trust"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["trust"] ) neuron_info_decoded["validator_trust"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["validator_trust"] ) neuron_info_decoded["dividends"] = U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT( neuron_info_decoded["dividends"] ) neuron_info_decoded["prometheus_info"] = PrometheusInfo.fix_decoded_values( neuron_info_decoded["prometheus_info"] ) neuron_info_decoded["axon_info"] = AxonInfo.from_neuron_info( neuron_info_decoded ) return cls(**neuron_info_decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> "NeuronInfoLite": """Returns a NeuronInfoLite object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return NeuronInfoLite.get_null_neuron() decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.NeuronInfoLite) if decoded is None: return NeuronInfoLite.get_null_neuron() return NeuronInfoLite.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["NeuronInfoLite"]: """Returns a list of NeuronInfoLite objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded_list = from_scale_encoding( vec_u8, ChainDataType.NeuronInfoLite, is_vec=True ) if decoded_list is None: return [] decoded_list = [ NeuronInfoLite.fix_decoded_values(decoded) for decoded in decoded_list ] return decoded_list
[docs] @staticmethod def get_null_neuron() -> "NeuronInfoLite": neuron = NeuronInfoLite( uid=0, netuid=0, active=0, stake=Balance.from_rao(0), stake_dict={}, total_stake=Balance.from_rao(0), rank=0, emission=0, incentive=0, consensus=0, trust=0, validator_trust=0, dividends=0, last_update=0, validator_permit=False, prometheus_info=None, axon_info=None, is_null=True, coldkey="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", hotkey="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", pruning_score=0, ) return neuron
[docs] @dataclass class PrometheusInfo: """Dataclass for prometheus info.""" block: int version: int ip: str port: int ip_type: int
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, prometheus_info_decoded: Dict) -> "PrometheusInfo": """Returns a PrometheusInfo object from a prometheus_info_decoded dictionary.""" prometheus_info_decoded["ip"] = net.int_to_ip( int(prometheus_info_decoded["ip"]) ) return cls(**prometheus_info_decoded)
[docs] @dataclass class DelegateInfoLite: """ Dataclass for DelegateLiteInfo. This is a lighter version of :func:`DelegateInfo`. Args: delegate_ss58 (str): Hotkey of the delegate for which the information is being fetched. take (float): Take of the delegate as a percentage. nominators (int): Count of the nominators of the delegate. owner_ss58 (str): Coldkey of the owner. registrations (list[int]): List of subnets that the delegate is registered on. validator_permits (list[int]): List of subnets that the delegate is allowed to validate on. return_per_1000 (int): Return per 1000 TAO, for the delegate over a day. total_daily_return (int): Total daily return of the delegate. """ delegate_ss58: str # Hotkey of delegate take: float # Take of the delegate as a percentage nominators: int # Count of the nominators of the delegate. owner_ss58: str # Coldkey of owner registrations: list[int] # List of subnets that the delegate is registered on validator_permits: list[ int ] # List of subnets that the delegate is allowed to validate on return_per_1000: int # Return per 1000 tao for the delegate over a day total_daily_return: int # Total daily return of the delegate
[docs] @dataclass class DelegateInfo: """ Dataclass for delegate information. For a lighter version of this class, see :func:`DelegateInfoLite`. Args: hotkey_ss58 (str): Hotkey of the delegate for which the information is being fetched. total_stake (int): Total stake of the delegate. nominators (list[Tuple[str, int]]): List of nominators of the delegate and their stake. take (float): Take of the delegate as a percentage. owner_ss58 (str): Coldkey of the owner. registrations (list[int]): List of subnets that the delegate is registered on. validator_permits (list[int]): List of subnets that the delegate is allowed to validate on. return_per_1000 (int): Return per 1000 TAO, for the delegate over a day. total_daily_return (int): Total daily return of the delegate. """ hotkey_ss58: str # Hotkey of delegate total_stake: Balance # Total stake of the delegate nominators: List[ Tuple[str, Balance] ] # List of nominators of the delegate and their stake owner_ss58: str # Coldkey of owner take: float # Take of the delegate as a percentage validator_permits: List[ int ] # List of subnets that the delegate is allowed to validate on registrations: List[int] # List of subnets that the delegate is registered on return_per_1000: Balance # Return per 1000 tao of the delegate over a day total_daily_return: Balance # Total daily return of the delegate
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, decoded: Any) -> "DelegateInfo": """Fixes the decoded values.""" return cls( hotkey_ss58=ss58_encode( decoded["delegate_ss58"], bittensor.__ss58_format__ ), owner_ss58=ss58_encode(decoded["owner_ss58"], bittensor.__ss58_format__), take=U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT(decoded["take"]), nominators=[ ( ss58_encode(nom[0], bittensor.__ss58_format__), Balance.from_rao(nom[1]), ) for nom in decoded["nominators"] ], total_stake=Balance.from_rao( sum([nom[1] for nom in decoded["nominators"]]) ), validator_permits=decoded["validator_permits"], registrations=decoded["registrations"], return_per_1000=Balance.from_rao(decoded["return_per_1000"]), total_daily_return=Balance.from_rao(decoded["total_daily_return"]), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional["DelegateInfo"]: """Returns a DelegateInfo object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return None decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.DelegateInfo) if decoded is None: return None return DelegateInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["DelegateInfo"]: """Returns a list of DelegateInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.DelegateInfo, is_vec=True) if decoded is None: return [] return [DelegateInfo.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in decoded]
[docs] @classmethod def delegated_list_from_vec_u8( cls, vec_u8: List[int] ) -> List[Tuple["DelegateInfo", Balance]]: """Returns a list of Tuples of DelegateInfo objects, and Balance, from a ``vec_u8``. This is the list of delegates that the user has delegated to, and the amount of stake delegated. """ decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.DelegatedInfo, is_vec=True) if decoded is None: return [] return [ (DelegateInfo.fix_decoded_values(d), Balance.from_rao(s)) for d, s in decoded ]
[docs] @dataclass class StakeInfo: """Dataclass for stake info.""" hotkey_ss58: str # Hotkey address coldkey_ss58: str # Coldkey address stake: Balance # Stake for the hotkey-coldkey pair
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, decoded: Any) -> "StakeInfo": """Fixes the decoded values.""" return cls( hotkey_ss58=ss58_encode(decoded["hotkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__), coldkey_ss58=ss58_encode(decoded["coldkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__), stake=Balance.from_rao(decoded["stake"]), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional["StakeInfo"]: """Returns a StakeInfo object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return None decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.StakeInfo) if decoded is None: return None return StakeInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_of_tuple_from_vec_u8( cls, vec_u8: List[int] ) -> Dict[str, List["StakeInfo"]]: """Returns a list of StakeInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded: Optional[list[tuple[str, list[object]]]] = ( from_scale_encoding_using_type_string( input_=vec_u8, type_string="Vec<(AccountId, Vec<StakeInfo>)>" ) ) if decoded is None: return {} return { ss58_encode(address=account_id, ss58_format=bittensor.__ss58_format__): [ StakeInfo.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in stake_info ] for account_id, stake_info in decoded }
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["StakeInfo"]: """Returns a list of StakeInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.StakeInfo, is_vec=True) if decoded is None: return [] return [StakeInfo.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in decoded]
[docs] @dataclass class SubnetInfo: """Dataclass for subnet info.""" netuid: int rho: int kappa: int difficulty: int immunity_period: int max_allowed_validators: int min_allowed_weights: int max_weight_limit: float scaling_law_power: float subnetwork_n: int max_n: int blocks_since_epoch: int tempo: int modality: int # netuid -> topk percentile prunning score requirement (u16:MAX normalized.) connection_requirements: Dict[str, float] emission_value: float burn: Balance owner_ss58: str
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional["SubnetInfo"]: """Returns a SubnetInfo object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return None decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.SubnetInfo) if decoded is None: return None return SubnetInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["SubnetInfo"]: r"""Returns a list of SubnetInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding( vec_u8, ChainDataType.SubnetInfo, is_vec=True, is_option=True ) if decoded is None: return [] return [SubnetInfo.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in decoded]
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, decoded: Dict) -> "SubnetInfo": """Returns a SubnetInfo object from a decoded SubnetInfo dictionary.""" return SubnetInfo( netuid=decoded["netuid"], rho=decoded["rho"], kappa=decoded["kappa"], difficulty=decoded["difficulty"], immunity_period=decoded["immunity_period"], max_allowed_validators=decoded["max_allowed_validators"], min_allowed_weights=decoded["min_allowed_weights"], max_weight_limit=decoded["max_weights_limit"], # adjustment_alpha=decoded["adjustment_alpha"], # bonds_moving_avg=decoded["bonds_moving_average"], scaling_law_power=decoded["scaling_law_power"], subnetwork_n=decoded["subnetwork_n"], max_n=decoded["max_allowed_uids"], blocks_since_epoch=decoded["blocks_since_last_step"], tempo=decoded["tempo"], modality=decoded["network_modality"], connection_requirements={ str(int(netuid)): U16_NORMALIZED_FLOAT(int(req)) for netuid, req in decoded["network_connect"] }, emission_value=decoded["emission_values"], burn=Balance.from_rao(decoded["burn"]), owner_ss58=ss58_encode(decoded["owner"], bittensor.__ss58_format__), )
[docs] def to_parameter_dict(self) -> Union[dict[str, Any], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"]: """Returns a torch tensor or dict of the subnet info.""" if use_torch(): return torch.nn.ParameterDict(self.__dict__) else: return self.__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameter_dict( cls, parameter_dict: Union[dict[str, Any], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"] ) -> "SubnetInfo": if use_torch(): return cls(**dict(parameter_dict)) else: return cls(**parameter_dict)
[docs] @dataclass class SubnetHyperparameters: """Dataclass for subnet hyperparameters.""" rho: int kappa: int immunity_period: int min_allowed_weights: int max_weight_limit: float tempo: int min_difficulty: int max_difficulty: int weights_version: int weights_rate_limit: int adjustment_interval: int activity_cutoff: int registration_allowed: bool target_regs_per_interval: int min_burn: int max_burn: int bonds_moving_avg: int max_regs_per_block: int serving_rate_limit: int max_validators: int adjustment_alpha: int difficulty: int commit_reveal_weights_interval: int commit_reveal_weights_enabled: bool alpha_high: int alpha_low: int liquid_alpha_enabled: bool
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional["SubnetHyperparameters"]: """Returns a SubnetHyperparameters object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return None decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.SubnetHyperparameters) if decoded is None: return None return SubnetHyperparameters.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["SubnetHyperparameters"]: """Returns a list of SubnetHyperparameters objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding( vec_u8, ChainDataType.SubnetHyperparameters, is_vec=True, is_option=True ) if decoded is None: return [] return [SubnetHyperparameters.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in decoded]
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, decoded: Dict) -> "SubnetHyperparameters": """Returns a SubnetInfo object from a decoded SubnetInfo dictionary.""" return SubnetHyperparameters( rho=decoded["rho"], kappa=decoded["kappa"], immunity_period=decoded["immunity_period"], min_allowed_weights=decoded["min_allowed_weights"], max_weight_limit=decoded["max_weights_limit"], tempo=decoded["tempo"], min_difficulty=decoded["min_difficulty"], max_difficulty=decoded["max_difficulty"], weights_version=decoded["weights_version"], weights_rate_limit=decoded["weights_rate_limit"], adjustment_interval=decoded["adjustment_interval"], activity_cutoff=decoded["activity_cutoff"], registration_allowed=decoded["registration_allowed"], target_regs_per_interval=decoded["target_regs_per_interval"], min_burn=decoded["min_burn"], max_burn=decoded["max_burn"], max_regs_per_block=decoded["max_regs_per_block"], max_validators=decoded["max_validators"], serving_rate_limit=decoded["serving_rate_limit"], bonds_moving_avg=decoded["bonds_moving_avg"], adjustment_alpha=decoded["adjustment_alpha"], difficulty=decoded["difficulty"], commit_reveal_weights_interval=decoded["commit_reveal_weights_interval"], commit_reveal_weights_enabled=decoded["commit_reveal_weights_enabled"], alpha_high=decoded["alpha_high"], alpha_low=decoded["alpha_low"], liquid_alpha_enabled=decoded["liquid_alpha_enabled"], )
[docs] def to_parameter_dict( self, ) -> Union[dict[str, Union[int, float, bool]], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"]: """Returns a torch tensor or dict of the subnet hyperparameters.""" if use_torch(): return torch.nn.ParameterDict(self.__dict__) else: return self.__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameter_dict( cls, parameter_dict: Union[dict[str, Any], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"] ) -> "SubnetHyperparameters": if use_torch(): return cls(**dict(parameter_dict)) else: return cls(**parameter_dict)
[docs] @dataclass class IPInfo: """Dataclass for associated IP Info.""" ip: str ip_type: int protocol: int
[docs] def encode(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a dictionary of the IPInfo object that can be encoded.""" return { "ip": net.ip_to_int( self.ip ), # IP type and protocol are encoded together as a u8 "ip_type_and_protocol": ((self.ip_type << 4) + self.protocol) & 0xFF, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional["IPInfo"]: """Returns a IPInfo object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return None decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.IPInfo) if decoded is None: return None return IPInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["IPInfo"]: r"""Returns a list of IPInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.IPInfo, is_vec=True) if decoded is None: return [] return [IPInfo.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in decoded]
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, decoded: Dict) -> "IPInfo": """Returns a SubnetInfo object from a decoded IPInfo dictionary.""" return IPInfo( ip=net.int_to_ip(decoded["ip"]), ip_type=decoded["ip_type_and_protocol"] >> 4, protocol=decoded["ip_type_and_protocol"] & 0xF, )
[docs] def to_parameter_dict( self, ) -> Union[dict[str, Union[str, int]], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"]: """Returns a torch tensor or dict of the subnet IP info.""" if use_torch(): return torch.nn.ParameterDict(self.__dict__) else: return self.__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameter_dict( cls, parameter_dict: Union[dict[str, Any], "torch.nn.ParameterDict"] ) -> "IPInfo": if use_torch(): return cls(**dict(parameter_dict)) else: return cls(**parameter_dict)
# Senate / Proposal data
[docs] class ProposalVoteData(TypedDict): index: int threshold: int ayes: List[str] nays: List[str] end: int
ProposalCallData = GenericCall
[docs] @dataclass class ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo: """Dataclass for scheduled coldkey swap information.""" old_coldkey: str new_coldkey: str arbitration_block: int
[docs] @classmethod def fix_decoded_values(cls, decoded: Any) -> "ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo": """Fixes the decoded values.""" return cls( old_coldkey=ss58_encode(decoded["old_coldkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__), new_coldkey=ss58_encode(decoded["new_coldkey"], bittensor.__ss58_format__), arbitration_block=decoded["arbitration_block"], )
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional["ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo"]: """Returns a ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo object from a ``vec_u8``.""" if len(vec_u8) == 0: return None decoded = from_scale_encoding(vec_u8, ChainDataType.ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo) if decoded is None: return None return ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo.fix_decoded_values(decoded)
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> List["ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo"]: """Returns a list of ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo objects from a ``vec_u8``.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding( vec_u8, ChainDataType.ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo, is_vec=True ) if decoded is None: return [] return [ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo.fix_decoded_values(d) for d in decoded]
[docs] @classmethod def decode_account_id_list(cls, vec_u8: List[int]) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Decodes a list of AccountIds from vec_u8.""" decoded = from_scale_encoding( vec_u8, ChainDataType.ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo.AccountId, is_vec=True ) if decoded is None: return None return [ ss58_encode(account_id, bittensor.__ss58_format__) for account_id in decoded ]