
Create and initialize Axon, which services the forward and backward requests from other neurons.




The FastAPIThreadedServer class is a specialized server implementation for the Axon server in the Bittensor network.


The Axon class in Bittensor is a fundamental component that serves as the server-side interface for a neuron within the Bittensor network.


The AxonMiddleware class is a key component in the Axon server, responsible for processing all incoming requests.



Creates an error response based on the provided synapse object.

log_and_handle_error(synapse, exception[, ...])

Logs the error and updates the synapse object with the appropriate error details.

Module Contents#

bittensor.core.axon.V_7_2_0 = 7002000#
class bittensor.core.axon.FastAPIThreadedServer(config)[source]#

Bases: uvicorn.Server

The FastAPIThreadedServer class is a specialized server implementation for the Axon server in the Bittensor network.

It extends the functionality of uvicorn.Server() to run the FastAPI application in a separate thread, allowing the Axon server to handle HTTP requests concurrently and non-blocking.

This class is designed to facilitate the integration of FastAPI with the Axon’s asynchronous architecture, ensuring efficient and scalable handling of network requests.

Importance and Functionality
Threaded Execution

The class allows the FastAPI application to run in a separate thread, enabling concurrent handling of HTTP requests which is crucial for the performance and scalability of the Axon server.

Seamless Integration

By running FastAPI in a threaded manner, this class ensures seamless integration of FastAPI’s capabilities with the Axon server’s asynchronous and multi-threaded architecture.

Controlled Server Management

The methods start and stop provide controlled management of the server’s lifecycle, ensuring that the server can be started and stopped as needed, which is vital for maintaining the Axon server’s reliability and availability.

Signal Handling

Overriding the default signal handlers prevents potential conflicts with the Axon server’s main application flow, ensuring stable operation in various network conditions.

Use Cases
Starting the Server

When the Axon server is initialized, it can use this class to start the FastAPI application in a separate thread, enabling it to begin handling HTTP requests immediately.

Stopping the Server

During shutdown or maintenance of the Axon server, this class can be used to stop the FastAPI application gracefully, ensuring that all resources are properly released.

Example Usage: = FastAPI()
log_level = "trace"
self.fast_config = uvicorn.Config(, host="", port=self.config.axon.port, log_level=log_level)
self.fast_server = FastAPIThreadedServer(config=self.fast_config)
# do something
  • should_exit (bool) – Flag to indicate whether the server should stop running.

  • is_running (bool) – Flag to indicate whether the server is currently running.

  • config (uvicorn.config.Config)

The server overrides the default signal handlers to prevent interference with the main application flow and provides methods to start and stop the server in a controlled manner.

should_exit: bool = False#
is_running: bool = False#

Overrides the default signal handlers provided by uvicorn.Server. This method is essential to ensure that the signal handling in the threaded server does not interfere with the main application’s flow, especially in a complex asynchronous environment like the Axon server.


Manages the execution of the server in a separate thread, allowing the FastAPI application to run asynchronously without blocking the main thread of the Axon server. This method is a key component in enabling concurrent request handling in the Axon server.


None – This method yields control back to the caller while the server is running in the background thread.


A wrapper method for the run_in_thread() context manager. This method is used internally by the start method to initiate the server’s execution in a separate thread.


Starts the FastAPI server in a separate thread if it is not already running. This method sets up the server to handle HTTP requests concurrently, enabling the Axon server to efficiently manage incoming network requests.

The method ensures that the server starts running in a non-blocking manner, allowing the Axon server to continue its other operations seamlessly.


Signals the FastAPI server to stop running. This method sets the should_exit() flag to True, indicating that the server should cease its operations and exit the running thread.

Stopping the server is essential for controlled shutdowns and resource management in the Axon server, especially during maintenance or when redeploying with updated configurations.

class bittensor.core.axon.Axon(wallet=None, config=None, port=None, ip=None, external_ip=None, external_port=None, max_workers=None)[source]#

The Axon class in Bittensor is a fundamental component that serves as the server-side interface for a neuron within the Bittensor network.

This class is responsible for managing incoming requests from other neurons and implements various mechanisms to ensure efficient and secure network interactions.

An axon relies on a FastAPI router to create endpoints for different message types. These endpoints are crucial for handling various request types that a neuron might receive. The class is designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing users to specify custom rules for forwarding, blacklisting, prioritizing, and verifying incoming requests. The class also includes internal mechanisms to manage a thread pool, supporting concurrent handling of requests with defined priority levels.

Methods in this class are equipped to deal with incoming requests from various scenarios in the network and serve as the server face for a neuron. It accepts multiple arguments, like wallet, configuration parameters, ip address, server binding port, external ip, external port and max workers. Key methods involve managing and operating the FastAPI application router, including the attachment and operation of endpoints.

Key Features:

  • FastAPI router integration for endpoint creation and management.

  • Customizable request handling including forwarding, blacklisting, and prioritization.

  • Verification of incoming requests against custom-defined functions.

  • Thread pool management for concurrent request handling.

  • Command-line argument support for user-friendly program interaction.

Example Usage:

import bittensor
# Define your custom synapse class
class MySynapse( bittensor.Synapse ):
    input: int = 1
    output: int = None

# Define a custom request forwarding function using your synapse class
def forward( synapse: MySynapse ) -> MySynapse:
    # Apply custom logic to synapse and return it
    synapse.output = 2
    return synapse

# Define a custom request verification function
def verify_my_synapse( synapse: MySynapse ):
    # Apply custom verification logic to synapse
    # Optionally raise Exception
    assert synapse.input == 1

# Define a custom request blacklist function
def blacklist_my_synapse( synapse: MySynapse ) -> bool:
    # Apply custom blacklist
    return False ( if non blacklisted ) or True ( if blacklisted )

# Define a custom request priority function
def prioritize_my_synapse( synapse: MySynapse ) -> float:
    # Apply custom priority
    return 1.0

# Initialize Axon object with a custom configuration
my_axon = bittensor.Axon(

# Attach the endpoint with the specified verification and forward functions.
    forward_fn = forward_my_synapse,
    verify_fn = verify_my_synapse,
    blacklist_fn = blacklist_my_synapse,
    priority_fn = prioritize_my_synapse

# Serve and start your axon.
    netuid = ...
    subtensor = ...

# If you have multiple forwarding functions, you can chain attach them.
    forward_fn = forward_my_synapse,
    verify_fn = verify_my_synapse,
    blacklist_fn = blacklist_my_synapse,
    priority_fn = prioritize_my_synapse
    forward_fn = forward_my_synapse_2,
    verify_fn = verify_my_synapse_2,
    blacklist_fn = blacklist_my_synapse_2,
    priority_fn = prioritize_my_synapse_2
    netuid = ...
    subtensor = ...
  • wallet (Optional[bittensor_wallet.Wallet]) – Wallet with hotkey and coldkeypub.

  • config (Optional[bittensor.core.config.Config]) – Configuration parameters for the axon.

  • port (Optional[int]) – Port for server binding.

  • ip (Optional[str]) – Binding IP address.

  • external_ip (Optional[str]) – External IP address to broadcast.

  • external_port (Optional[int]) – External port to broadcast.

  • max_workers (Optional[int]) – Number of active threads for request handling.


An instance of the axon class configured as per the provided arguments.

Return type:



This class is a core part of Bittensor’s decentralized network for machine intelligence, allowing neurons to communicate effectively and securely.

Importance and Functionality
Endpoint Registration

This method dynamically registers API endpoints based on the Synapse used, allowing the Axon to respond to specific types of requests and synapses.

Customization of Request Handling

By attaching different functions, the Axon can customize how it handles, verifies, prioritizes, and potentially blocks incoming requests, making it adaptable to various network scenarios.

Security and Efficiency

The method contributes to both the security (via verification and blacklisting) and efficiency (via prioritization) of request handling, which are crucial in a decentralized network environment.


The ability to define custom functions for different aspects of request handling provides great flexibility, allowing the Axon to be tailored to specific needs and use cases within the Bittensor network.

Error Handling and Validation

The method ensures that the attached functions meet the required signatures, providing error handling to prevent runtime issues.

Creates a new bittensor.Axon object from passed arguments.

  • config (Optional[bittensor.core.config.Config]) – bittensor.Axon.config()

  • wallet (Optional[bittensor_wallet.Wallet]) – bittensor wallet with hotkey and coldkeypub.

  • port (Optional[int]) – Binding port.

  • ip (Optional[str]) – Binding ip.

  • external_ip (Optional[str]) – The external ip of the server to broadcast to the network.

  • external_port (Optional[int]) – The external port of the server to broadcast to the network.

  • max_workers (Optional[int]) – Used to create the threadpool if not passed, specifies the number of active threads servicing requests.

started = False#
nonces: dict[str, int]#
forward_class_types: dict[str, list[inspect.Signature]]#
blacklist_fns: dict[str, Callable | None]#
priority_fns: dict[str, Callable | None]#
forward_fns: dict[str, Callable | None]#
verify_fns: dict[str, Callable | None]#

Returns the axon info object associated with this axon.

Return type:


attach(forward_fn, blacklist_fn=None, priority_fn=None, verify_fn=None)[source]#

Attaches custom functions to the Axon server for handling incoming requests. This method enables the Axon to define specific behaviors for request forwarding, verification, blacklisting, and prioritization, thereby customizing its interaction within the Bittensor network.

Registers an API endpoint to the FastAPI application router. It uses the name of the first argument of the forward_fn() function as the endpoint name.

The attach() method in the Bittensor framework’s axon class is a crucial function for registering API endpoints to the Axon’s FastAPI application router. This method allows the Axon server to define how it handles incoming requests by attaching functions for forwarding, verifying, blacklisting, and prioritizing requests. It’s a key part of customizing the server’s behavior and ensuring efficient and secure handling of requests within the Bittensor network.

  • forward_fn (Callable) – Function to be called when the API endpoint is accessed. It should have at least one argument.

  • blacklist_fn (Optional[Callable]) – Function to filter out undesired requests. It should take the same arguments as forward_fn() and return a boolean value. Defaults to None, meaning no blacklist filter will be used.

  • priority_fn (Optional[Callable]) – Function to rank requests based on their priority. It should take the same arguments as forward_fn() and return a numerical value representing the request’s priority. Defaults to None, meaning no priority sorting will be applied.

  • verify_fn (Optional[Callable]) – Function to verify requests. It should take the same arguments as forward_fn() and return a boolean value. If None, self.default_verify() function will be used.

Return type:



The methods forward_fn(), blacklist_fn(), priority_fn(), and verify_fn() should be designed to receive the same parameters.

  • AssertionError – If forward_fn() does not have the signature: forward( synapse: YourSynapse ) -> synapse.

  • AssertionError – If blacklist_fn() does not have the signature: blacklist( synapse: YourSynapse ) -> bool.

  • AssertionError – If priority_fn() does not have the signature: priority( synapse: YourSynapse ) -> float.

  • AssertionError – If verify_fn() does not have the signature: verify( synapse: YourSynapse ) -> None.


Returns the instance of the AxonServer class for potential method chaining.

Return type:


  • forward_fn (Callable)

  • blacklist_fn (Optional[Callable])

  • priority_fn (Optional[Callable])

  • verify_fn (Optional[Callable])

Example Usage:

def forward_custom(synapse: MyCustomSynapse) -> MyCustomSynapse:
    # Custom logic for processing the request
    return synapse

def blacklist_custom(synapse: MyCustomSynapse) -> tuple[bool, str]:
    return True, "Allowed!"

def priority_custom(synapse: MyCustomSynapse) -> float:
    return 1.0

def verify_custom(synapse: MyCustomSynapse):
    # Custom logic for verifying the request

my_axon = bittensor.Axon(...)
my_axon.attach(forward_fn=forward_custom, verify_fn=verify_custom)


The attach() method is fundamental in setting up the Axon server’s request handling capabilities, enabling it to participate effectively and securely in the Bittensor network. The flexibility offered by this method allows developers to tailor the Axon’s behavior to specific requirements and use cases.

classmethod help()[source]#

Prints the help text (list of command-line arguments and their descriptions) to stdout.

classmethod add_args(parser, prefix=None)[source]#

Adds AxonServer-specific command-line arguments to the argument parser.

  • parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – Argument parser to which the arguments will be added.

  • prefix (Optional[str]) – Prefix to add to the argument names. Defaults to None.


Environment variables are used to define default values for the arguments.

async verify_body_integrity(request)[source]#

The verify_body_integrity method in the Bittensor framework is a key security function within the Axon server’s middleware. It is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the body of incoming HTTP requests.

It asynchronously verifies the integrity of the body of a request by comparing the hash of required fields with the corresponding hashes provided in the request headers. This method is critical for ensuring that the incoming request payload has not been altered or tampered with during transmission, establishing a level of trust and security between the sender and receiver in the network.


request (Request) – The incoming FastAPI request object containing both headers and the request body.


Returns the parsed body of the request as a dictionary if all the hash comparisons match, indicating that the body is intact and has not been tampered with.

Return type:



JSONResponse – Raises a JSONResponse with a 400 status code if any of the hash comparisons fail, indicating a potential integrity issue with the incoming request payload. The response includes the detailed error message specifying which field has a hash mismatch.

This method performs several key functions:

  1. Decoding and loading the request body for inspection.

  2. Gathering required field names for hash comparison from the Axon configuration.

  3. Loading and parsing the request body into a dictionary.

  4. Reconstructing the Synapse object and recomputing the hash for verification and logging.

  5. Comparing the recomputed hash with the hash provided in the request headers for verification.


The integrity verification is an essential step in ensuring the security of the data exchange within the Bittensor network. It helps prevent tampering and manipulation of data during transit, thereby maintaining the reliability and trust in the network communication.

classmethod check_config(config)[source]#

This method checks the configuration for the axon’s port and wallet.


config (bittensor.core.config.Config) – The config object holding axon settings.


AssertionError – If the axon or external ports are not in range [1024, 65535]


Provides a human-readable representation of the AxonInfo for this Axon.


Provides a human-readable representation of the Axon instance.

Return type:



Provides a machine-readable (unambiguous) representation of the Axon instance. It is made identical to __str__ in this case.

Return type:



This magic method is called when the Axon object is about to be destroyed. It ensures that the Axon server shuts down properly.


Starts the Axon server and its underlying FastAPI server thread, transitioning the state of the Axon instance to started. This method initiates the server’s ability to accept and process incoming network requests, making it an active participant in the Bittensor network.

The start method triggers the FastAPI server associated with the Axon to begin listening for incoming requests. It is a crucial step in making the neuron represented by this Axon operational within the Bittensor network.


The Axon instance in the ‘started’ state.

Return type:



my_axon = bittensor.Axon(...)
... # setup axon, attach functions, etc.
my_axon.start()  # Starts the axon server


After invoking this method, the Axon is ready to handle requests as per its configured endpoints and custom logic.


Stops the Axon server and its underlying GRPC server thread, transitioning the state of the Axon instance to stopped. This method ceases the server’s ability to accept new network requests, effectively removing the neuron’s server-side presence in the Bittensor network.

By stopping the FastAPI server, the Axon ceases to listen for incoming requests, and any existing connections are gracefully terminated. This function is typically used when the neuron is being shut down or needs to temporarily go offline.


The Axon instance in the ‘stopped’ state.

Return type:



my_axon = bittensor.Axon(...)
my_axon.stop()  # Stops the axon server


It is advisable to ensure that all ongoing processes or requests are completed or properly handled before invoking this method.

serve(netuid, subtensor=None)[source]#

Serves the Axon on the specified subtensor connection using the configured wallet. This method registers the Axon with a specific subnet within the Bittensor network, identified by the netuid. It links the Axon to the broader network, allowing it to participate in the decentralized exchange of information.

  • netuid (int) – The unique identifier of the subnet to register on. This ID is essential for the Axon to correctly position itself within the Bittensor network topology.

  • subtensor (Optional[bittensor.core.subtensor.Subtensor]) – The subtensor connection to use for serving. If not provided, a new connection is established based on default configurations.


The Axon instance that is now actively serving on the specified subtensor.

Return type:



my_axon = bittensor.Axon(...)
subtensor = bt.subtensor(network="local") # Local by default
my_axon.serve(netuid=1, subtensor=subtensor)  # Serves the axon on subnet with netuid 1


The serve method is crucial for integrating the Axon into the Bittensor network, allowing it to start receiving and processing requests from other neurons.

async default_verify(synapse)[source]#

This method is used to verify the authenticity of a received message using a digital signature.

It ensures that the message was not tampered with and was sent by the expected sender.

The default_verify() method in the Bittensor framework is a critical security function within the Axon server. It is designed to authenticate incoming messages by verifying their digital signatures. This verification ensures the integrity of the message and confirms that it was indeed sent by the claimed sender. The method plays a pivotal role in maintaining the trustworthiness and reliability of the communication within the Bittensor network.

Key Features
Security Assurance

The default_verify method is crucial for ensuring the security of the Bittensor network. By verifying digital signatures, it guards against unauthorized access and data manipulation.

Preventing Replay Attacks

The method checks for increasing nonce values, which is a vital step in preventing replay attacks. A replay attack involves an adversary reusing or delaying the transmission of a valid data transmission to deceive the receiver. The first time a nonce is seen, it is checked for freshness by ensuring it is within an acceptable delta time range.

Authenticity and Integrity Checks

By verifying that the message’s digital signature matches its content, the method ensures the message’s authenticity (it comes from the claimed sender) and integrity (it hasn’t been altered during transmission).

Trust in Communication

This method fosters trust in the network communication. Neurons (nodes in the Bittensor network) can confidently interact, knowing that the messages they receive are genuine and have not been tampered with.

Cryptographic Techniques

The method’s reliance on asymmetric encryption techniques is a cornerstone of modern cryptographic security, ensuring that only entities with the correct cryptographic keys can participate in secure communication.


synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – bittensor request synapse.

  • Exception – If the receiver_hotkey doesn’t match with self.receiver_hotkey.

  • Exception – If the nonce is not larger than the previous nonce for the same endpoint key.

  • Exception – If the signature verification fails.

After successful verification, the nonce for the given endpoint key is updated.


The verification process assumes the use of an asymmetric encryption algorithm, where the sender signs the message with their private key and the receiver verifies the signature using the sender’s public key.


Creates an error response based on the provided synapse object.


synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The synapse object containing details about the request and the associated axon.


A JSON response with a status code and content indicating the error message.

Return type:


bittensor.core.axon.log_and_handle_error(synapse, exception, status_code=None, start_time=None)[source]#

Logs the error and updates the synapse object with the appropriate error details.

  • synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The synapse object to be updated with error information.

  • exception (Exception) – The exception that was raised and needs to be logged and handled.

  • status_code (Optional[int]) – The HTTP status code to be set on the synapse object. Defaults to None.

  • start_time (Optional[float]) – The timestamp marking the start of the processing, used to calculate process time. Defaults to None.


The updated synapse object with error details.

Return type:


class bittensor.core.axon.AxonMiddleware(app, axon)[source]#

Bases: starlette.middleware.base.BaseHTTPMiddleware

The AxonMiddleware class is a key component in the Axon server, responsible for processing all incoming requests.

It handles the essential tasks of verifying requests, executing blacklist checks, running priority functions, and managing the logging of messages and errors. Additionally, the class is responsible for updating the headers of the response and executing the requested functions.

This middleware acts as an intermediary layer in request handling, ensuring that each request is processed according to the defined rules and protocols of the Bittensor network. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and security of the network communication.

  • app (FastAPI) – An instance of the FastAPI application to which this middleware is attached.

  • axon (bittensor.core.axon.Axon) – The Axon instance that will process the requests.

The middleware operates by intercepting incoming requests, performing necessary preprocessing (like verification and priority assessment), executing the request through the Axon’s endpoints, and then handling any postprocessing steps such as response header updating and logging.

Initialize the AxonMiddleware class.

async dispatch(request, call_next)[source]#

Asynchronously processes incoming HTTP requests and returns the corresponding responses. This method acts as the central processing unit of the AxonMiddleware, handling each step in the request lifecycle.

  • request (Request) – The incoming HTTP request to be processed.

  • call_next (RequestResponseEndpoint) – A callable that processes the request and returns a response.


The HTTP response generated after processing the request.

Return type:


This method performs several key functions:

  1. Request Preprocessing: Sets up Synapse object from request headers and fills necessary information.

  2. Logging: Logs the start of request processing.

  3. Blacklist Checking: Verifies if the request is blacklisted.

  4. Request Verification: Ensures the authenticity and integrity of the request.

  5. Priority Assessment: Evaluates and assigns priority to the request.

  6. Request Execution: Calls the next function in the middleware chain to process the request.

  7. Response Postprocessing: Updates response headers and logs the end of the request processing.

The method also handles exceptions and errors that might occur during each stage, ensuring that appropriate responses are returned to the client.

async preprocess(request)[source]#

Performs the initial processing of the incoming request. This method is responsible for extracting relevant information from the request and setting up the Synapse object, which represents the state and context of the request within the Axon server.


request (Request) – The incoming request to be preprocessed.


The Synapse object representing the preprocessed state of the request.

Return type:


The preprocessing involves:

  1. Extracting the request name from the URL path.

  2. Creating a Synapse instance from the request headers using the appropriate class type.

  3. Filling in the Axon and Dendrite information into the Synapse object.

  4. Signing the Synapse from the Axon side using the wallet hotkey.

This method sets the foundation for the subsequent steps in the request handling process, ensuring that all necessary information is encapsulated within the Synapse object.

async verify(synapse)[source]#

Verifies the authenticity and integrity of the request. This method ensures that the incoming request meets the predefined security and validation criteria.


synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The Synapse object representing the request.


Exception – If the verification process fails due to unmet criteria or security concerns.

The verification process involves:

  1. Retrieving the specific verification function for the request’s Synapse type.

  2. Executing the verification function and handling any exceptions that arise.

Successful verification allows the request to proceed further in the processing pipeline, while failure results in an appropriate exception being raised.

async blacklist(synapse)[source]#

Checks if the request should be blacklisted. This method ensures that requests from disallowed sources or with malicious intent are blocked from processing. This can be extremely useful for preventing spam or other forms of abuse. The blacklist is a list of keys or identifiers that are prohibited from accessing certain resources.


synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The Synapse object representing the request.


Exception – If the request is found in the blacklist.

The blacklist check involves:

  1. Retrieving the blacklist checking function for the request’s Synapse type.

  2. Executing the check and handling the case where the request is blacklisted.

If a request is blacklisted, it is blocked, and an exception is raised to halt further processing.

async priority(synapse)[source]#

Executes the priority function for the request. This method assesses and assigns a priority level to the request, determining its urgency and importance in the processing queue.


synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The Synapse object representing the request.


Exception – If the priority assessment process encounters issues, such as timeouts.

The priority function plays a crucial role in managing the processing load and ensuring that critical requests are handled promptly.

async run(synapse, call_next, request)[source]#

Executes the requested function as part of the request processing pipeline. This method calls the next function in the middleware chain to process the request and generate a response.

  • synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The Synapse object representing the request.

  • call_next (RequestResponseEndpoint) – The next function in the middleware chain to process requests.

  • request (Request) – The original HTTP request.


The HTTP response generated by processing the request.

Return type:


This method is a critical part of the request lifecycle, where the actual processing of the request takes place, leading to the generation of a response.

classmethod synapse_to_response(synapse, start_time, *, response_override=None)[source]#

Return type:


Converts the Synapse object into a JSON response with HTTP headers.

  • synapse (bittensor.core.synapse.Synapse) – The Synapse object representing the request.

  • start_time (float) – The timestamp when the request processing started.

  • response_override (Optional[starlette.responses.Response]) – Instead of serializing the synapse, mutate the provided response object. This is only really useful for StreamingSynapse responses.


The final HTTP response, with updated headers, ready to be sent back to the client.

Return type:


Postprocessing is the last step in the request handling process, ensuring that the response is properly formatted and contains all necessary information.