

Module sync setting weights extrinsic.


set_weights_extrinsic(subtensor, wallet, netuid, uids, ...)

Sets the given weights and values on chain for wallet hotkey account.

Module Contents#

bittensor.core.extrinsics.set_weights.set_weights_extrinsic(subtensor, wallet, netuid, uids, weights, version_key=0, wait_for_inclusion=False, wait_for_finalization=False)#

Sets the given weights and values on chain for wallet hotkey account.

  • subtensor (bittensor.core.async_subtensor.AsyncSubtensor) – Bittensor subtensor object.

  • wallet (bittensor_wallet.Wallet) – Bittensor wallet object.

  • netuid (int) – The netuid of the subnet to set weights for.

  • uids (Union[NDArray[np.int64], torch.LongTensor, list]) – The uint64 uids of destination neurons.

  • weights (Union[NDArray[np.float32], torch.FloatTensor, list]) – The weights to set. These must be float s and correspond to the passed uid s.

  • version_key (int) – The version key of the validator.

  • wait_for_inclusion (bool) – If set, waits for the extrinsic to enter a block before returning True, or returns False if the extrinsic fails to enter the block within the timeout.

  • wait_for_finalization (bool) – If set, waits for the extrinsic to be finalized on the chain before returning True, or returns False if the extrinsic fails to be finalized within the timeout.


Flag is True if extrinsic was finalized or included in the block. If we did not wait for

finalization / inclusion, the response is True.

Return type:

success (bool)