bittensor.core.chain_data.ip_info# Classes# IPInfo Dataclass representing IP information. Module Contents# class bittensor.core.chain_data.ip_info.IPInfo# Dataclass representing IP information. Variables: ip (str) – The IP address as a string. ip_type (int) – The type of the IP address (e.g., IPv4, IPv6). protocol (int) – The protocol associated with the IP (e.g., TCP, UDP). encode()# Returns a dictionary of the IPInfo object that can be encoded. Return type: dict[str, Any] classmethod from_parameter_dict(parameter_dict)# Creates a IPInfo instance from a parameter dictionary. Parameters: parameter_dict (Union[dict[str, Any], bittensor.utils.registration.torch.nn.ParameterDict]) Return type: IPInfo ip: str# ip_type: int# protocol: int# to_parameter_dict()# Returns a torch tensor or dict of the subnet IP info. Return type: Union[dict[str, Union[str, int]], bittensor.utils.registration.torch.nn.ParameterDict]